View Full Version : No more "B" on Seiko shutter

11-Feb-2022, 09:33
I had to repair a Seiko Shutter (Yashica 127 mm lens from my Polaroid 600) after it had thrown a shutter blade.
It took me several hours to get everything back in place and I took the opportunity to clean and lube the timing gears.
Now the speeds are spot on except no more Bulb.
Instead of B there is 1/15th s and I have no idea what went wrong.
There is one pin that moves when the speed ring goes from 1sec to B which moves the angle of the delay gear.
Can anyone point me to a document that explains how the bulb setting works in Seiko shutters ?
I am quite sure that I have put the things that fell out in their proper places.224543

11-Feb-2022, 11:11
Oh boy I spent quite a while with a very similar problem with a Seiko. Believe my problem was actually in the lever mechanism- you have to be really careful the springs are all in the right place and everything is arranged just so. What finally helped me was this video I think (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=efYEG2Xt9G0&list=WL&index=2)- he goes through all the operation of the shutter normally and you have to note the position of all the levers etc.

14-Feb-2022, 04:15
Thank you for the link . That video is awesome (though his use of sewing machine oil made me cringe).
Also it doesn't show the B function as his thumb is over the release section when he tests the B setting.
I found many other videos about this and other shutters that I still have to watch. I'll post here when I manage to fix it.