View Full Version : Linhof MT: Q re cams

23-Jan-2022, 10:34
Hello everyone! Got a Linhof Master Technica last year, with a 150mm 5.6 (Rodenstock Sironar-N). Though I learned the basics of LF years ago (on a monorail), I am getting back into it now. Consider myself a newbie with LF and certainly with developing film myself, though not with photography as such.
Got a couple of Qs on the Linhof:
1. Someone told me that the camera works better with a cam in it, even if it is not cut (and you thus don't use the rangefinder, but the GG). Do you agree (and why would that be?)? I have a cam for a 150mm but it is not cut for my lens (yet, may get it cut later on, when I have the other lens I plan to get in the short term, a 210 or 240 mm (for portraits), and can send both at the same time). And if the answer is yes, would it then also be better have this cam inserted, meant for a 150 mm, if I use another lens for which I do not have a cam, rather than then not having a cam at all?
2. A Q if there by chance is someone on this forum living in the Netherlands: can you recommend someone in NL that can cut a Linhof cam?
3. I have the possibility get a Rodenstock Grandagon 80 mm, 5.6 for little - any views on the use of this on the Linhof M T (for land/cityscapes)?

Bernice Loui
23-Jan-2022, 12:46
Think the MT lens cams are only needed if the rangefinder is used, as with hand held press camera.

Bob S needs to chime in on this.

Based on past experience with the Linhof folders (Technika), no need for lens cams or improvement if ground glass viewing/focusing/composing is used. If camera movement is applied, the cams are not gonna be happy with the rangefinder view finder.

If no camera movement is needed, smaller film or digital image formats could serve better. If there is an advantage for the finished image goal where camera movements, specific lens choices required for these image goals coupled with what sheet film can offer that is when a view camera could be the better image creation tool.


23-Jan-2022, 12:55
I have an early MT, and I’ve never installed a cam. I don’t know what a cam would be useful for aside from the rangefinder (as Bernice mentioned.) I don’t think you need to care, unless you want to shoot with the rangefinder.

24-Jan-2022, 12:17
Older Linhof cameras needed a cam in them to close properly. Otherwise, the springloaded cam holder fouled the hinge, as it sprung the holder so far. One could overcome this by moving it manually while closing until it was not able to spring out into the hinge area.

The Master Technika fixed this idiosyncrasy. Well, I'm not sure if it was fixed on the V as I only have a IV and an MT. But on the MT like you have, you don't need a cam to close it easily.

As for if you would like to get a cam, well, my advice is to buy a lens with a cam on eBay and sell the one you have. It'll be quicker, easier, and cheaper. Well, since you are in the Netherlands, perhaps not easier. If you don't plan to use the RF, don't bother.

25-Jan-2022, 01:31
Thank you, Corran. That explains the 'always have a cam' issue I had heard of. As for cutting it, I thought you needed to have the cam cut for both lens and camera. That is thus not the case? /Anette

Bob Salomon
25-Jan-2022, 02:44
Thank you, Corran. That explains the 'always have a cam' issue I had heard of. As for cutting it, I thought you needed to have the cam cut for both lens and camera. That is thus not the case? /Anette

On the V and the Master you do not need a cam cut to the body, just to the lens. That’s because those versions have a zeroed back position. IV and earlier cameras required a cam matched to both the len and camera.
It is possible for a MT without a cam to have the cam holder get out of position and prevent the door from closing. Not common but I’ve seen it happen.