View Full Version : question about Beseler 45 mx

8-Mar-2006, 07:56
MY enlarger, a 45 mx (NOT mxt), has a small drawer, if you will, that slides in just over the lens. As the enlarger has a drawer (much bigger) for contrast filters, I am wondering what this thing is. Could it be a drawer for the smaller filters? As I have yet to purchase a set, I;d like to know. The smaller filters are a bit cheaper than the bigger ones.


Steve Feldman
8-Mar-2006, 09:31

The drawer may be for a heat absorbing glass.


Eric Brody
8-Mar-2006, 10:00
It is for the smaller contrast control filters. In a galaxy long ago and far away, I used dupont varigam filters in such a drawer in a Beseler 23C. This is not an effective place for a heat abasorbing glass, one would want it above the negative.

Graham Patterson
8-Mar-2006, 10:10
If it is like the one on mine, getting contrast filters to fit in it well will be a challenge. It looks like it was designed for glass filters (red?) to me.

Richard Schlesinger
8-Mar-2006, 10:18
I am told it was made for, and when I bought a 45 MXT new many many years ago, it came with, a neat red filter that fit in the drawer. I put on a rather expensive conversion Beseler sells so I can align the lens (it works, but leaks light copiously and I have stuffed polyurethane in it so now it works fine - also changed the aligning screws - it is poorly made and badly designed but then, it's all there is) and anyway if you put a filter in that little drawer you can't use a lens: catch 22.

If you can follow that you're more awake than I am. Ifyou want more info etc. I'll be glad to try to help, as I have spent many hours working on the beast so now it is excellent!

Chris Pandino
8-Mar-2006, 11:54
As one poster noted, the drawer is for variable contrast or safelight filters. I have a set of Ilford MG gel filters that fit perfectly. You can also trim larger ones to fit. My 45MXCR still has the red safelight filter, though I've never used it.

As to not being able to use a lens with the filter... That only applies to lenses with large rear elements. Use of an adjustable lensboard or a lens extension cone will solve this for most lenses.

When I can't use the filter drawer for VC filters, I just stick the filter into the focusing bellows before mounting the lens so that the filter rests on top of the rear element.

Michael Gudzinowicz
8-Mar-2006, 13:13
You can get the manuals for the MX and MCR at John's puresilver site:


Your head seems to resemble that of the MCR rather than my MX that doesn't have a filter drawer between the condensers for 6"x6" filters.

My first choice would be 6"x6" Ilford MG filters placed between the condensers. There' isn't a problem with heat - it was designed for gel filters - and it's out of the critical optical path.

My second choice would be an Ilford or Kodak "below the lens" kit which is composed of optical quality filters (3"x3"). The proper position for filters in the negative-lens-paper path is below the lens to minimize any degradation caused by filters.

The small drawer above the lens is my last choice. That position requires optical quality filters or real gels, not acetate CP/VC filters. Any filter problems are magnified, and the carrier only takes filters 2 1/4" to 2 3/8" square. It would be a chore to cut below the lens filters down to use them in a less than ideal position.

My enlarger has a red filter in the small drawer. Apparently the old DuPont filters would fit, however, I wouldn't use them now.