View Full Version : New HC-110?

Curtis Nelson
6-Jan-2022, 11:52
I recently finished my last bottle of the old thick, syrupy HC-110, and ordered a new bottle. It came today, and it's not like the old syrup at all. This appears to be quite diluted compared to the old. What changed? Do I still dilute like normal for the different solutions?

6-Jan-2022, 12:32
use as normal (if you're in the US, normal in EU was apparently pre-diluted or something.) Yes it thin, but dev times shouldn't change. There is an open debate whether the new formula will have the long shelf life of the syrup.

6-Jan-2022, 13:28
Not again! :-)

This has been discussed to death here and on APUG. For example:


Curtis Nelson
6-Jan-2022, 14:33
Thanks everyone!