View Full Version : 8x10" at which length, is an auxiliary bellows support necessary?

19-Nov-2021, 17:02
Hi, this post is related to the Linhof Kardan TL 8x10" official bellows length.

I'm really curious about experience with long bellows on 8x10" cameras and at which point an auxiliary bellows support is necessary?

Many thanks.

Bob Salomon
19-Nov-2021, 17:06
Shouldn’t be necessary. If the bellows develops sag just take it off and rotate it 90°. If you want, since the rail is flat on top just put a paper cup under the bellows.

19-Nov-2021, 17:39
So even something between 30-36"?

Mark Sawyer
19-Nov-2021, 18:08
I'd say bellows support is necessary when the bellows starts to vignette the image frame, or more rarely, if the wind starts moving it about. Like Bob said, just tuck something under the bellows to prop it up a bit.

John Kasaian
19-Nov-2021, 18:46
I've found a piece of card stock folded into a "V" works well under sagging bellows.

Bernice Loui
19-Nov-2021, 18:54
Nothing fancy needed. Historically for view cameras that required lots of camera an bellows draw without the intermediate standard for supporting the bellows, use a empty card board box of size that fits to support the sagging bellows.

Nothing more needed,

19-Nov-2021, 19:27
I keep a strip of that grey case foam in all of my kits to (usually) stuff under between bellows & rail (or bed) to lift the bottom sag...

Steve K

19-Nov-2021, 20:41
You mean Linhof doesn't make a bellows support that is micro-adjustable, made of titanium, and have a beautifully engraved Linhof logo? :cool:

Bob Salomon
19-Nov-2021, 20:50
You mean Linhof doesn't make a bellows support that is micro-adjustable, made of titanium, and have a beautifully engraved Linhof logo? :cool:

Made of aluminum.

20-Nov-2021, 01:46
So, if it's for studio purposes only, still-life and portrait, and I wish to cover for all future eventualities, then I should just go for 36"/900mm and be done?
I will probably be using lenses around the 45cm to 60cm mark.

I've used a 300mm lens for head and shoulders shots on 4x5" and I really like the look of them. So I presume the equivalent is 600mm on 8x10"?

John Layton
20-Nov-2021, 05:35
I like Bob's idea of the paper cup...except I'd add a wee dram (or two) of bourbon to this - for a bit of extra "support!" :rolleyes:

John Kasaian
20-Nov-2021, 06:50
I like Bob's idea of the paper cup...except I'd add a wee dram (or two) of bourbon to this - for a bit of extra "support!" :rolleyes:

An excellent idea!

Tin Can
20-Nov-2021, 08:14
Buy the long bellows

Study this free aid


Drew Wiley
20-Nov-2021, 15:41
The other simple trick is to attach a velcro tab outside the bellows, topside and midpoint. Then use a long strip of the opposite Velcro attached to the rear standard to tension it. But I've never found the need to resort to any of these tricks when just a 600mm focal length lens was involved.

John Layton
21-Nov-2021, 08:04
Actually, depending upon the bellows design/materials/max. extended length...the problem with sag can tend to occur not at longer extensions...but at medium extensions, especially after changing lenses from those that require near-maximum extensions to those that require medium extensions - as the stretching out tends to create a bit of "memory" in the pleats. Not a problem with shorter extensions as the pleats are mushed closer together and tend to support each other as a unit.

Also keep in mind that bellows sag tends to be more of a problem when composing vertically - as the top edge of the frame is closer to the edge of the field.

Bernice Loui
21-Nov-2021, 11:30
The original 5x7 Sinar Norma tapered bellows had internal elastic strips that would support the bellows and worked good to prevent bellows sag as the tapered bellows was extended. Good and very functional design made of high quality leather.

Later Sinar 5x7 tapered bellows is made of what appears to be a stiffer synthetic material that does not sag as the bellows is extended. This bellows will expand to about ~20 inches or ~510mm, more camera/bellows extension can be easily added.
