View Full Version : Shanghai GP3: First Impressions

7-Nov-2021, 08:17
EDIT: What I describe below is for 4x5 sheet film. I have not tried the 120. Also, I am told - but have not confirmed -
that this same film is available in the US as a private label product from CatLabs.

Some years ago, I tried Shangai film. I loved the look of the stuff, but the quality control was so poor, it was essentially unusable. Upon hearing that this had been solved and that the manufacturing was no longer in the government's hands, I decided to give it another go.

These observations are only from developing and scanning the film. I've not yet printed it, which is always my real standard. The image below was shot on GP3 at ASA 100 (box speed) and semistand developed in Pyrocat-HD 1.5:1:200 for 60min @20C. Notes:

Neither the emulsion nor base look or feel like the Shangai I remember. This appears to be an entirely different film.
Quality control seems good with no immediate evidence of spots or emulsion breaks. Certainly a very usable film.
The film achieved full box speed ASA in semistand development.
It does not take Pyro stain deeply as compared to, say, Tri-X or FP4+.
There is no evidence of any relief image on the emulsion side, which I've come to expect from semistand developed films.
It is about 1/3 less expensive than FP4+ here in the US. I'd imagine similar relative savings elsewhere, but have not confirmed.

This film reminds me of Agfapan APX 100 in many ways. It has a similar response to Pyrocat-HD staining and semistand development.

It's unlikely to become my daily driver but it certainly seems like a decent film. I do intend to explore it a bit more.

Peter De Smidt
7-Nov-2021, 11:49
Thanks for posting about your experience!

7-Nov-2021, 12:30
I shoot it fairly regularly in 120 format and really like the results developed in D-23. Not my "go to" film either, but when I feel like running light I toss a roll into my Zeiss folder and I'm good to go.