View Full Version : Question: Rochester Optical Co 8x10 LF ... which back to use and how to use it?

19-Oct-2021, 09:05
I have this pretty nice Rochester Optical Co 8x10 camera and for the life of me, I cannot figure out how to use it! I have had other large format cameras, but this one has me baffled.

Would someone please help out an old film guy?



Tin Can
19-Oct-2021, 13:06
I think you will find it here http://www.piercevaubel.com/cam/roc.htm

I also think it must have something missing

But what?

19-Oct-2021, 13:07
Note it probably doesn't take 8x10 standard film holders if it's a ROC camera. I wonder if that's your issue- maybe those wooden 8x10 film holders ARE standard. If that's the case your best bet is going shopping for an 8x10 back with roughly the same dimensions. I was able to find a standard 8x10 back for my Empire State 8x10 that took ROC holders. It just takes a while...

19-Oct-2021, 16:32
I once owned a similar wooden 8x10 camera. The GG back had to be detached for the film back to be attached to the back of the camera. Never did find an OEM film back for that camera, so I acquired a B&J wooden back and shimmed and trimmed it to fit the camera. Getting the film plane to match the GG image plane was the tricky part.

19-Oct-2021, 20:43
Thank you all for your replies. I, too believe the holders that I have are not right for this camera.

Ron (Netherlands)
26-Oct-2021, 08:21
The original holder has the same (outer) dimensions as the back of the camera and is fastened by the two round buttons on top of the back (the holder below takes separate film-inserts; but there were also 'standard' holders). So your camera is apart from the original holder nothing missing, however matching plateholders seem quite rare. See below picture (which was already in the link provided by Tin Can):


Scovill and Putnam used same kind of system, i.e. plateholders that have the same dimensions as the back of the camera:



...and another picture of a Rochester Optical with original plateholder:


27-Oct-2021, 05:44
Thank You for the info

Tin Can
27-Oct-2021, 07:26
Also useful data for me as I have Made in Japan Studio camera that has the removable GG that also needs same size plate holder

This thread shifted my thinking to a better path

Thank you all!