View Full Version : Supreme II File Size Limit

13-Oct-2021, 12:38
I have ordered an Eversmart Supreme II from Michael Streeter. I understand this scanner has a file size limitation of 3.5gb. What PPI does that amount to when scanning 4x5 and 8x10? Michael informed me that I can simply scan in sections and stitch should I wish to exceed this limit, but I'd still like to know the basics if need be.

I'm also curious about the DT workflow. Is it still an advantage in 2021?

Tin Can
14-Oct-2021, 03:29

14-Oct-2021, 07:10

The actual questions I asked are not answered in that document.

Tin Can
14-Oct-2021, 07:37
3.5 gb limit (https://www.google.com/search?q=3.5+gb+limit&rlz=1C1CHBF_enUS850US850&oq=3.5+gb+limit&aqs=chrome..69i57j33i160.11915j0j15&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8)

14-Oct-2021, 09:02
3.5 gb limit (https://www.google.com/search?q=3.5+gb+limit&rlz=1C1CHBF_enUS850US850&oq=3.5+gb+limit&aqs=chrome..69i57j33i160.11915j0j15&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8)

Did you read my question at all?

14-Oct-2021, 10:19
Michael should be able to tell you by selecting a 4x5 or 8x10 area in Oxygen and entering either the file size (3.5 GB) and let OXYGen to determine the resolution or
Changing the resolution until the desired file size is reached. Magnification should be fixed to a 100% in each case

Tin Can
14-Oct-2021, 11:12
Yes, several times

Have fun

Did you read my question at all?

14-Oct-2021, 11:44
Michael should be able to tell you by selecting a 4x5 or 8x10 area in Oxygen and entering either the file size (3.5 GB) and let OXYGen to determine the resolution or
Changing the resolution until the desired file size is reached. Magnification should be fixed to a 100% in each case

Great! So the scanner will basically be able to tell me where it will max out. Very good to know. It’s gonna be a long 8 weeks while I wait for this beast.

20-Oct-2021, 07:10
I don't have the scanner but the math should be pretty simple. If the limiting factor is only max. filesize (3.5G), saving to tiff (lets assume plain format - no compression) uses 16bits (2 bytes) per channel, that's 6 bytes per one pixel.

For 4x5" that would mean almost 5.600dpi or almost 2.800dpi for 8x10".

20-Oct-2021, 08:43
I don't have the scanner but the math should be pretty simple. If the limiting factor is only max. filesize (3.5G), saving to tiff (lets assume plain format - no compression) uses 16bits (2 bytes) per channel, that's 6 bytes per one pixel.

For 4x5" that would mean almost 5.600dpi or almost 2.800dpi for 8x10".

Yeah I have a math based learning disability. I can't do almost any mental math, though the more advanced stuff was easier when working on it in school, ironically.

Thanks for that! Larger files than I would have thought. A 2800ppi scan of an 8x10 sheet is pretty honking big, and it's good to know I can increase that size with stitching.

Man I can't wait for this thing to arrive.

20-Oct-2021, 17:56
TIFs can contain compressed data. If that's the case, it will err the formula.
Also one can save into an 8-bit per channel TIF.