View Full Version : Linhof Viewfinders...

24-Feb-2006, 07:05

I have found some types of Linhof Viewfinders http://photofile.ru/album.php?id=1189812

Somebody used them? Have they a paralax correction and rangefinder? And what of these types the most convenient in use with the Technnika IV 6x9 without RF (Studienkamera) with Super-Rollex back?

Have a good day!

David A. Goldfarb
24-Feb-2006, 08:27
I have two of them--one older type and one newer, and find them quite useful. They are a parallax corrected viewfinder, but not a rangefinder. I guess that if you use scale focusing, you could use a viewfinder like this to frame the image.

The older type essentially crops the field of view as focal length increases, while the newer type zooms to keep the size of the viewfinder image relatively constant.

They come calibrated for 6x9, 4x5", and 5x7" and there are masks for different formats. The 6x9 finders can be hard to find, and a 4x5" finder with a 6x9 or 6x7 mask won't extend far into the wideangle range (75mm or 90mm max, depending on the finder), but if you shoot 6x7cm with a rollfilm back, you could use a 4x5" finder, which has the same proportions, and adjust the focal length setting to the nearest analogue to the lens you are using (for instance, if you use a 105mm lens on 6x7cm, you could use a 4x5" finder with a 4x5" mask set at about 150mm).

24-Feb-2006, 16:34
David, personally to you I speak many thanks! :) You have told to me about Studienkamera- I have bought it for 400 Euros with Xenar lens and I wait mail from Germany. It is the simple, easy and reliable camera which I for a long time searched but about which never heard earlier!

Now I select the viewfinder. What generation to me is better to buy for ideal price/quality proportion? And whether I can use the viewfinder and a rangefinder in one case?

P.S. One more question- can I use the Technika 6x9 V lenseboard with Tech IV?

24-Feb-2006, 16:44
Whether can I use other 6x9 backs with the Linhof 6x9 IV- not Super-Rollex or Rollex? Maby Horseman or Graflex 6x9 backs? Can I find any adapters for it?

Bob Salomon
25-Feb-2006, 04:17
"Now I select the viewfinder. What generation to me is better to buy for ideal price/quality proportion? And whether I can use the viewfinder and a rangefinder in one case?"

The current one. That means any finder made in the last 30 years.

"P.S. One more question- can I use the Technika 6x9 V lenseboard with Tech IV?"


"Whether can I use other 6x9 backs with the Linhof 6x9 IV- not Super-Rollex or Rollex? Maby Horseman or Graflex 6x9 backs? Can I find any adapters for it?"

No. But you can also use the new Rapid Rollex slide in back for 23 cameras. However it is 6x7 only. The Super Rollex is available in 6x9 as well but other 6x9 backs will not mount on the camera.

26-Feb-2006, 01:54
Thanks for replying!

Can I precisely use tech V lensboard with Tech IV? Today I read, that can`t (look note)


Maybe me frighten, that I`ll change the techIV on new? :)