View Full Version : Film on a Plane: Check It or Carry-On?

Drew Bedo
4-Sep-2021, 05:31
Planning a trip to Colorado in Oct. Last outing was to Santa Fe in Feb of 2019, just before the world changed.

Only taking the 4x5 outfit this time. I am planning to bring along some Tri-X and some Ektachrome 100.

Havent flown with film for five years or so at this point. My question is:

Should I put the boxed film into checked luggage, or put it into my carry-on bag with the camera and other gear?

4-Sep-2021, 06:19
Carry on and ask for a hand check - leave film in box and have a developed piece out to show them so they do not try to open the box. TSA is aware scanners will damage film but there are alot of people who do not know that film comes larger than 135. I also have a lead bag but have not tried to fly with it yet.

4-Sep-2021, 06:35
I also have a lead bag but have not tried to fly with it yet.

Don't know if this is true, but I've heard that if they can't see what's inside the bag they will crank the power; obviously not good for film. Is it possible to ship film to your destination or buy it there? Otherwise, hand check as stated above your best option.

Drew Bedo
4-Sep-2021, 07:26
So the recommendation is to carry it on, but ask that it not go through the X-Ray machine?

I asked for a hand check of a sealed box of Tri-X back in 2011. Told them what was in it and how it was packaged. Told them it could only be opened in total darkness. Offered my changing bag (declined). They took my box away, opened it and opened the packaging inside too. Only found that out when loading film holders at our destination days later. Shot as few anyway. Each sheet was fogged or exposed about 20% deep along one edge.

4-Sep-2021, 07:43
Carry on and let them scan it. This has worked for me for years with no problems, sheet and roll film, international and domestic travel.

Conrad . Marvin
4-Sep-2021, 10:24
New machines will fog your film. Make sure that the airports you go to do not have them before you put the film through.

John Layton
4-Sep-2021, 10:36
Kinda wish there could be a mechanism in place...like a background check plus fee - which would give the "subscriber" a certificate to allow film to bypass anything that may cause it harm. Isn't there a TSA Pre-Check "subscription" set up in just this way? Just wonderin!"

Conrad . Marvin
4-Sep-2021, 10:41
Bad Airport machines are called 3D scanners.

4-Sep-2021, 11:33
the new machines are actually CT scanners. As I understand it, they take focused Xray shots is "slices" across the length of the packaging. So instead of getting one dose of xrays, they might get a hundred.

In the US you have the right to ask for a hand inspection, and every time I've asked it was performed in front of me. They swab every box and run the swab through a detector of some kind (I assume looking for explosive residue of some kind.) I was once flying with ~36 rolls of 35m, and they swabbed each one. I'd bring new boxes of film and leave the factory seal in place, so if they take it to another room and open it, you'll know. I've never had that problem though. Also show up early and be friendly--they have thankless jobs, and generally respond well to deference and courtesy. Also, pack you film in a separate, transparent bag so you can pull that out for the hand inspection and not force them to go through your laundry too. I was in a massive throng of people trying to get through security at JFK, and they were still nice and professional when I asked for a hand inspection.

Drew Bedo
4-Sep-2021, 13:39
The 3D scanners are being used for carry-on bags now? Where we all stand in long lines . . .tat part of security?

Retired now, but I used to do diagnostic imaging with isotopes called Nuc-Med.. If you ever had a treadmill test with a shot asnd pictures later . . .that is Nuc-Med. We shared a darkroom with the X-Ray Dept. I understand the CT process. CT machines shoot an X-Ray beam through the patient multiple times from many angles. Then the data gets processed into a 3D body of volume cells which can be sliced up about any way they want.

Well Durn! Hand checked it is then.

Thanks all.

4-Sep-2021, 13:56
From a friends experience, never store film in a lead bag. He forgot to mention that there was film inside the lead bag that he had with him. In the end each factory sealed box of sheet film was opened and intern ruined. I was told by a TSA Employee that factory seals are sometimes are actually perceived by the TSA as being suspicious. Another friend included an invoice from B&H Photo for the film that he was carrying. Once again this was at first perceived as being suspicious. Fortunately another TSA employee there was a photographer and after asking my friend a question or two about the film, let the boxes go through unharmed. Personally I always carry my "EMERITUS" shield with me and once seen, I am let through without any hassle. Sometimes in state and federal buildings even escorted past checks!

4-Sep-2021, 13:56
Yup. Not every airport has them at this point. Checked baggage has been no-go for some time, but carry-on was ok, until they started using CT machines.

5-Sep-2021, 10:20
Don't forget that you can mail a package to a US Post office addressed to you and "Hold for Pickup". But I would verify with the PO as to how long they keep the package before returning.

Mark Sampson
5-Sep-2021, 13:20
Last month I traveled Tucson-Boston and back. I shipped my 4x5 b/w film (loaded holders) by UPS outbound and USPS returning. No fogging issues and no hassles in the airports. Relatively expensive, but worth the peace of mind.

5-Sep-2021, 15:36
Definitely Do Not put your film in checked baggage.

I am traveling right now with film, and have used most of the suggestions above at one point or another. I shipped some film ahead of time to a hotel - most will accept a package if you have a reservation, but call first to verify. I shipped about 1/2 my film ahead.

But I also hedged my bet and took the other half in my carry on. Many - maybe most? - now have the CT scanners like or similar to those used for checked bags. So you don’t want film going through those. Last time I flew with film was pre-CT scanners so I always let my film go through the old X-ray machines without issue - so never had asked for a hand check before. This trip was the first time I asked for a hand check and was surprised how painless it was. Maybe I just have been lucky so far but it was pretty quick and no hassle. In Juneau they still had the old X-ray machine so I just let my film go through that without requesting a hand check. They must have had others with concerns because they had several signs saying their X-ray scanners were safe for film less than ISO 800.


5-Sep-2021, 16:19
They must have had others with concerns because they had several signs saying their X-ray scanners were safe for film less than ISO 800.


A bit of caution to be had here... X-ray scanner operators can turn up their scanner's power level at will negating that "ISO 800" threshold.

Ron McElroy
5-Sep-2021, 16:48
OK so I have a dumb question here. For a small quantity of film not loaded in holders and still in the box or black bags could one not carry it on their person through the metal detectors?

5-Sep-2021, 17:36
OK so I have a dumb question here. For a small quantity of film not loaded in holders and still in the box or black bags could one not carry it on their person through the metal detectors?

Not in my experience has that ever been allowed. Nor is it a very wise thing to attempt. If the millimeter wave scanner (stand on the feet prints while the machine buzzes around your body) is used… you couldn’t even smuggle it through.

5-Sep-2021, 19:18
A very quick search reveals these threads on page 1 of the search results. There are many more.
This topic has been discussed ad nauseam, Drew.
Conclusion: carry-on, and it's safe.


7-Sep-2021, 16:04
As previously noted, do not put film in checked luggage.

As previously alluded to - older posts are no longer valid as the TSA has recently (end of 2019 I believe) started using new machines that have higher exposure. I have flown 3 times in as many months and actually prefer the new machines - they do not require you to take every last bit and bob out of your bag - in fact they they specifically instruct you to leave everything (even your laptop) IN the bag. This speeds things up significantly when traveling with a bunch of cameras, lenses, laptops, etc. I think it has also increased awareness of film hand check amongst the TSA agents I have been exposed to - mostly in Sacramento - and have not had a problem getting 120 film hand checked (haven't tried LF yet, sorry).

The machines in question that I have seen at Sacramento and MSP use larger grey tubs instead of the smaller ones, though obviously your mileage may vary depending on airport.

If in doubt, mail ahead.

Best of luck,


Drew Bedo
8-Sep-2021, 06:10
Thanks everyone. All good stuff to keep and hold for the future.

Sadly, my wife and I have decided to cancel our trip to Estes Park Colo and RMNP in October. We will wait till the pandemic mutations and booster shot situation shakes out some more. We are both in at least one high risk group.

Again: Thanks to all.

Renato Tonelli
8-Sep-2021, 06:52
Don't know if this is true, but I've heard that if they can't see what's inside the bag they will crank the power; obviously not good for film. Is it possible to ship film to your destination or buy it there? Otherwise, hand check as stated above your best option.

A few years ago I put film in one of those lead shields; the x-ray scanning technician couldn't see what was inside it: I had to remove it from my bag; the film was hand inspected.

There is a very long thread on Photrio about the newish airport scanners.