View Full Version : Coverage of 19 inch Red Dot Artar?

23-Jul-2021, 10:29
Friend picked up one of these in an Ilex shutter.

Anyone know the coverage of this lens?

He is getting back into LF with an 8x10 Deardorff for the lens.

23-Jul-2021, 11:03
This document shows coverage from 1:10 to 1:1:


John Kasaian
23-Jul-2021, 12:21
I've got one on my 8x10 'dorff. It's a fine long lens with plenty of coverage :cool:

23-Jul-2021, 12:43
Works fine for 11x14 also.

Jim Fitzgerald
23-Jul-2021, 15:36
Works on my 8x20 and 14x17.

23-Jul-2021, 16:23
One thing to be aware of is that most Artars originally came in barrel mounts. Ones mounted in shutters were usually, but not always, custom lens mounting jobs. Another LF photographer that I was friends with picked up one that was mounted into an Ilex shutter (No. 5 but I could be wrong). It performed only mediocrely for him. When he placed it next to my barrel 19" Artar, it was obvious that the spacing of the front and rear groups of elements was significantly increased. Fortunately it was an easy fix for for him for under $200.

Conrad . Marvin
23-Jul-2021, 17:38
I had SK Grimes put a 19” Artar into a Copal #3S and it’s excellent on my 5x7. A well known Chicago photographer used one on a 12”x24” camera…..

Bernice Loui
23-Jul-2021, 18:44
19" Goerz APO artar is a classic and excellent "tele" for 8x10. Easily covers 8x10 at infinity with more than adequate camera movements. The classic partner is a 12" f6.8 Dagor and 14" Kodak Commercial Ektar. These three plus a 155mm Gradagon (BIG) and 250mm Wide Field Ektar made up a nice lens set for 8x10.

Difficulty with these older lenses are their shutters. Some Ilex shutters are SO wore out in desperate need of their wore out parts replaced and properly serviced. C-L-A will NOT do.

If your APO artar cannot resolve to the degree as posted in this example that sample APO artar has a problem.

That said, a good APO artar will equal any modern lens for resolution-definition or similar APO process lens at f16 to f45. They are lower contrast compared to modern multicoated offerings of similar focal length. Ones in barrel have a nice round iris, coupled with a Sinar shutter makes a good combo.

They remain one of the all time fave longer than normal focal length lenses.


Carsten Wolff
24-Jul-2021, 15:44
To second Greg: I got mine front-mounted as a barrel lens into an Alphax #5; a great, easy option and, if the mount is slim, the image circle doesn't suffer significantly.

Michael Kadillak
25-Jul-2021, 06:54
I had SK Grimes put a 19” Artar into a Copal #3S and it’s excellent on my 5x7. A well known Chicago photographer used one on a 12”x24” camera…..

Depending upon when Grimes did the work (as in more recently) it must have been a shutter supply issue because Grimes put my 19" Red Dot Artar into a standard Copal #3 shutter probably 10 years or more ago. Agree it is a great lens with tremendous coverage. I use it on 12x20, 8x20 and 11x14 as well as 8x10.

David Lindquist
25-Jul-2021, 13:25
Morley Baer liked the 19" Red Dot Artar (used, of course, on his 8 X 10 Ansco.) In his book Adobes In the Sun he says "If I have a favorite, the 19" must be it."


Bernice Loui
25-Jul-2021, 20:58
Yes and verified. Many years ago, Morely Baer's lenses were on consignment sale at Calumet San Francisco. None of Morely's lenses were beauty puffs, they were ALL nicely used with the passage of time. Not only the 19" RDA was in the set, there were a few other RDAs in shorter focal lengths, a few Dagors, 121mm Super Angulon and a few others no longer remembered.

The low contrast color thing appeared in Morely's book "Wilder Shore"..


Morley Baer liked the 19" Red Dot Artar (used, of course, on his 8 X 10 Ansco.) In his book Adobes In the Sun he says "If I have a favorite, the 19" must be it."


Conrad . Marvin
26-Jul-2021, 08:36
Depending upon when Grimes did the work (as in more recently) it must have been a shutter supply issue because Grimes put my 19" Red Dot Artar into a standard Copal #3 shutter probably 10 years or more ago. Agree it is a great lens with tremendous coverage. I use it on 12x20, 8x20 and 11x14 as well as 8x10.

Yes, it was a shutter that I already had and I asked if it would fit…..it did.