View Full Version : Retaining ring for Wollensak 8x10 Rapid Symmetrical lens

12-Jul-2021, 16:48
Hi, I finished repairing an 8x10 Automatic Wollensak Rapid Symmetrical lens with a PAT. 1901 for a future 8x10 camera project but it is missing the retaining ring to install it on a lens board.

Does anybody know where I could find one or what to look for?

My mini watchmaker caliper is too small to check the dimensions but I used a ruler and the outside diameter where the retaining ring is screwed on seems to be about 62 mm.

Mark Sawyer
12-Jul-2021, 17:33
In lieu of finding one, you can always use the old ring-clamp trick. I cut down sewer connecters from Home Depot so I don't scratch the barrel.

12-Jul-2021, 18:51
SK Grimes' website has great flange info under their "production" sub-category.
Since it's a Wollensak shutter,
check alphaxbetax.com for more info.
Lots of great info!

12-Jul-2021, 19:36
SK Grimes' website has great flange info under their "production" sub-category.
Since it's a Wollensak shutter,
check alphaxbetax.com for more info.
Lots of great info!
Thanks, I will check that out.

In lieu of finding one, you can always use the old ring-clamp trick. I cut down sewer connecters from Home Depot so I don't scratch the barrel.
As a matter of fact, I am seeing a plumber tomorrow morning, I should ask him if he can help with my lens. lol

No seriously, that's a good idea if I can't find better, thank you.

Paul Ron
13-Jul-2021, 05:54


retaining rings

Scott Davis
13-Jul-2021, 06:55
Given the age and size of the lens, it's more likely to be a flange than a retaining ring. The difference being the flange would be mounted with screws to the front of a (most often) wooden lens board, and a retaining ring would go behind the lens board to clamp the lens to the board. While it may be possible to find a flange that fits, it is more likely that you'll end up having to have one made. While not the only game in town doing this service, SK Grimes is your best bet for getting it done, right, the first time.

13-Jul-2021, 10:48

Makes all kinds of retaining rings, adapters, for very reasonable prices.

13-Jul-2021, 13:05
Thanks Scott. I'm French and new to large format but "flange" is the word I was looking for.

I've found a few on Ebay that seem to have the right size but they cost more than what I paid for the lens. I think I will wait.

14-Jul-2021, 00:44
T.Fabry : the link provided by Bernard_L is really a good place to go !
good quality, good service

I'm french to...

14-Jul-2021, 00:56
I'm french too...
So am I. Looks like all the French buy their rings and adapters in Portugal. :cool:

14-Jul-2021, 06:55
Getting a ring or flange made in Portugal might still be good for a French in Canada but I have seen some on Ebay with a diameter of 61, 62 or 63 mm and I don't know for sure what I need.
I imagine a Wollensak would have a thread diameter in inches so that makes matter even more complicated for an European metric person like me. ;)

Jim Noel
14-Jul-2021, 08:19
All needed information should be in here.

14-Jul-2021, 08:51
OK, I think I have the dimensions right now.

The outside diameter where the thread is is 63mm so that's 2.5 inches. With this dimension, I don't think I will have troubles to find a flange, ring or washer the right size. Thank you all for your help.

Chauncey Walden
15-Jul-2021, 11:45
Hot glue around the threads on the back works great. Holds well even for heavier lenses and is fairly easy to remove.

15-Jul-2021, 23:50
a caliper (pied à coulisse) and a thread gauge (jauge de filetage) are the good tools to have...a few euros/dollars each for enough accuracy
the gauge gives you both metric and imperial (and BTW in Potugal, a machinist as every good machinist speaks metric and imperial !)

16-Jul-2021, 05:10
Thanks for your help. I bought a lens board with a 63mm flange on Ebay. Hopefully it will be the right size.

31-Jul-2021, 15:38
I received the flange and 63mm is too small. I was still able to screw the flange half a turn on the lens so it will be good enough for now but if someone else is looking for one, 64mm should be better.

I posted a photo of the lens on a camera here:

Ron (Netherlands)
1-Aug-2021, 01:40
I received the flange and 63mm is too small. I was still able to screw the flange half a turn on the lens so it will be good enough for now but if someone else is looking for one, 64mm should be better.

I posted a photo of the lens on a camera here:

Better measure the mount more precise; which thread pitch? Perhaps your ring has the right diameter but the wrong thread pitch
Your photo of lens/shutter combo is not clear: it looks like an Automat shutter by Bausch & Lomb (http://www.piercevaubel.com/cam/acc/shb&lautomat627.htm) or the Automatic by Wollensak (http://www.piercevaubel.com/cam/acc/shwollensakautomatic.htm) or the Regular (http://www.piercevaubel.com/cam/acc/shwollensakregular.htm).
If you know the type of shutter you can find more easily a matching mounting ring.

1-Aug-2021, 06:25
Thanks. It looks like the second one but I don't think it's any of them.

Here is a better photo and a link with a shutter with the same patent dates.



On the side of the lens barrel, it says: "Wollensak 8 x 10 Rapid Symmetrical".

1-Aug-2021, 06:55
The Automatic shutter is on page 9
if you can come to Hamilton Ont. with the lens I can help you.
Your best bet may be Jose in Portugal
Now you know why a lens sans flange is cheaper than with flange, eh!
The pitch of the lens is very important and may well not be standard, so it is best for the machinist to have the lens in hand or at least the back portion with the threads in question.

1-Aug-2021, 08:51
It's also nearly impossible that a lens made in the US in 1900 would have anything on it that would have metric measurements, so going at it from that angle is certainly doomed from the start.

1-Aug-2021, 10:57
It's also nearly impossible that a lens made in the US in 1900 would have anything on it that would have metric measurements, so going at it from that angle is certainly doomed from the start.
Well, the back section of the lens screws perfectly on the macro tube for my Japanese metric Canon so I had good hopes. :D

Now you know why a lens sans flange is cheaper than with flange, eh!

Yes, I understand why now. lol

Anyways, the lens is still sitting tight on the board and there is no light leak so I'm not going to woory about it. Thank you all for your help.

Ron (Netherlands)
5-Aug-2021, 13:37
The Automatic shutter is on page 9

According to the info on page 15, the OP with his 8x10 lens, has the biggest of the 5 sizes in which the Automatic shutter was made. Someone here might have a comparable shutter and is able to measure the thread pitch.

The pitch of the lens is very important and may well not be standard, .....

The Betax 4 and 5 shutters had the (less common?) pitch of 30 - which can be found as NS thread pitch: https://www.largeformatphotography.info/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=206621&d=1596660474

Btw the title of this thread should ideally also mention the shutter since it bears the thread.

5-Aug-2021, 17:55
Btw the title of this thread should ideally also mention the shutter since it bears the thread.
Good idea, I added "automatic" in the title, thank you.

Mark Sawyer
5-Aug-2021, 19:18
Well, the back section of the lens screws perfectly on the macro tube for my Japanese metric Canon so I had good hopes...

Then you might try getting a step-down ring of that size. Make it a big step and you'll have room to put some screws through it to attach it to the lens board.

6-Aug-2021, 17:55
The flange I have is already screwed on the lens board and the shutter is screwed half a turn and tight on the flange so I'm not worried about it.
Knowing what is needed would be good if another user has the same problem as me but I think I am all set with my lens setup.