View Full Version : Identifying a light leak

11-Jul-2021, 10:05

I'm hoping someone here can identify the source of some light leaks I've recently had using a tested film holder.

As you can see in the pictures below, the leak has the same pattern on the two sheets of film. I tested the film holder before using photo paper and it looked OK.

Besides the light leak, the negative wasn't completely exposed. The image doesn't cover all the film area. It seems there's something preventing the end of the negative from being exposed.

Any suggestions?

Thank you!


11-Jul-2021, 11:59
The light leak might be a cracked dark slide. Are you completely removing the dark slide for each shot?

11-Jul-2021, 12:28
Are you sliding the holder all the way under the ground glass. The light leak and lack of exposed area could be explained if the film holder were not inserted all the way.

11-Jul-2021, 12:39
Are you sliding the holder all the way under the ground glass. The light leak and lack of exposed area could be explained if the film holder were not inserted all the way.

I’m starting to think that was the problem. These are the first test shots with a new camera. Maybe I need to make sure if I’m using it right next time.

11-Jul-2021, 15:15
I must have discovered every possible way to have a light leak. Aside from that, I use to not pull the dark slide all that way out and just leave it at the edge of the holder - thus covering part of the neg. I don't think that the lack of exposure on your negs would be caused by that. There appears to be some exposure. And yes, I've been guilty of not inserting the holder properly.