View Full Version : Intrepid 8x10 spring back stiff

9-Jul-2021, 17:27
After shooting 4x5 for awhile on my Intrepid 8x10 camera I have decide to move up to the 8x10 back. The springs on the 8x10 back feel unusually stiff and make it difficult to load the film holder into the camera without multiple extra hands. Is there a trick that I am missing or a way to loosen the springs?

Peter De Smidt
9-Jul-2021, 18:49
Is the lip beveled so that that ridge in the holder can slide in ok? Earlier cameras weren't. The holder would slide in until it hit the ridge.

9-Jul-2021, 18:57
There is not a noticable bevel to the edge. It is slightly rounded like the pictures on their website.

Peter De Smidt
9-Jul-2021, 19:21
Go to about 17:40 in the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AU2wDHY1Nhk

See if that helps.

There's also this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q98I5yMqmFk

9-Jul-2021, 19:40
Thank you! That was incredibly helpful.

Peter De Smidt
9-Jul-2021, 19:48
Glad to help.