View Full Version : barrel lens mount: normal or sunk

5-Jul-2021, 09:19
"barrel mount, (either normal or sunk)"

Sorry to ask a potentially ignorant question, but what is the difference. Can anyone please point me to pictures or a description of each? I'm quite sure I know what "normal" is but "sunk" has me perplexed.

5-Jul-2021, 09:37
This is an example of a sunk mount lens.217326217327

5-Jul-2021, 09:49
Thank you very much. I searched and searched yet couldn’t answer my own question. I sincerely appreciate your help!

5-Jul-2021, 09:52
Glad to help.

5-Jul-2021, 11:29
One of the best examples of this are the various iterations of the Verito. Some are mounted on the back end and hang quite far out in front of the front standard and some have the mounting flange just back of the aperture assembly and sit inside the bellows about half its length. Much less stress on the front standard but the bellows length is effectively shortened. Sinar and Packard shutters can be interfered with if they are needed.

5-Jul-2021, 11:41
And they were in use mostly on detective and large format single lens reflex cameras? With common focal lenght of 4 ~ 8 inches. I have an old Rodenstock Eurynar 240/4.5 (double gauss) which is quite a mystery, too long and big for 5x7 SLR. Maybe they were in use in repro cameras too? This example has sophisticated double barrel to aquire aperture control in front of the lens.

Ron (Netherlands)
6-Jul-2021, 09:15
See also page 7 of this nice old Zeiss catalogue:

6-Jul-2021, 10:08
Thanks very much! I seem to have not known what to look for, or have poor research skills!