View Full Version : Consistent black lines on negatives

8-Jun-2021, 15:30
I just recieved negatives back from the lab and on the last 10 or so exposures there is a consistent thin black line on the bottom left of the images. Ive had to compress the photo to upload, but here is how it looks. Does anyone know what it could be?

Thanks in advance!216507

Louie Powell
9-Jun-2021, 04:11
The wording of the question implies that this is 35mm.

The fact that the line appears in the same place in every frame, and that it doesn't extend all the way across the image, suggests that it is NOT a scratch in the emulsion. I suspect that it is either a hair or a bit of bristle from a lens brush that is lodged in place in the light path in the camera.

Neal Chaves
9-Jun-2021, 07:00
Are you sure the line is on the negative and not an artifact from scanning? Who did the scan, you or the lab?

9-Jun-2021, 07:17
The wording of the question implies that this is 35mm.

The fact that the line appears in the same place in every frame, and that it doesn't extend all the way across the image, suggests that it is NOT a scratch in the emulsion. I suspect that it is either a hair or a bit of bristle from a lens brush that is lodged in place in the light path in the camera.

Or maybe even the same within the gate on an automated scanner.