View Full Version : Grandagon 75 mm, what lens board do I need for Toyo 45G?

Ruben Vuaran
10-May-2021, 14:08
hi, I bought recently a toyo 45 G View and a friend lent me a Grandagon 75 mm 6.8. The lens doesn't focus to infinity, I have to use a specific recessed lens board or just mount the soft bellows (that i don't have)? The lens now is mounted on its 94x94mm Sinar lens board, if I use a recessed lens board, do I have to unscrew the lens from its board and mount it on the other, or are there recessed lens boards with sinar board adapter? The dimensions of the Toyo lens board are 140x140 mm.

Sorry if I asked a question that maybe is already answered in some other threads, but I'm new to the large format's world and I feel a bit lost in the infinity of options available for any particular photographic need !!!

10-May-2021, 14:20
Can you show some pictures? I think you may have some details wrong.
Toyo G lens boards are 158mm x 158mm, while Sinar lens boards are 140mm x 140mm.
Not sure what board is 94mm x 94mm.

You'll need a recessed lens board, somewhere in the area of 10mm recess.
To get any movements (not too much with a 75mm), you'll need the bag bellows or wide angle bellows.

Jim Noel
10-May-2021, 14:39
You will need a 10mm recessed Toyo board.

15-May-2021, 01:31
All Toyo view cameras use 158mm square lens boards. 94mm square suggests a Speed Graphic board. Toyo makes flat and recessed adapter boards for Linhof Technika, Toyo Field and Speed Graphic cameras. Let me know if you want one of these.


PS: They also used to make a Sinar adapter, which is now difficult to find.