View Full Version : 43/44mm shutter hole?

26-Apr-2021, 11:45
I got a Goerz Dogmar 16.5cm lens in a dial set compur shutter. I didn't have a good ruler, just a little junky one, but when I measured it looked a little over 40mm, so I figured it was a #1 shutter and ordered a lensboard to mount it to. When the lens board arrived, the shutter doesn't quite fit and probably needs another couple of millimeters just to slide on. Thinking it might be a bad board, I checked and another #1 shuttered lens fits fine.

I haven't found any specs on a shutter size that is larger than a #1 by only a couple of milimeters. So two basic questions--what size is this? and is it a standard I can buy or am I going to have to spend an hour with a file slowly enlarging this hole?

Eric Woodbury
26-Apr-2021, 12:10
File to fit, paint to match.

26-Apr-2021, 12:16
thats what I was guessing...I'm not great with DIY, so this will be the worlds most lopsided lens board.

David Lindquist
26-Apr-2021, 12:20
I got a Goerz Dogmar 16.5cm lens in a dial set compur shutter. I didn't have a good ruler, just a little junky one, but when I measured it looked a little over 40mm, so I figured it was a #1 shutter and ordered a lensboard to mount it to. When the lens board arrived, the shutter doesn't quite fit and probably needs another couple of millimeters just to slide on. Thinking it might be a bad board, I checked and another #1 shuttered lens fits fine.

I haven't found any specs on a shutter size that is larger than a #1 by only a couple of milimeters. So two basic questions--what size is this? and is it a standard I can buy or am I going to have to spend an hour with a file slowly enlarging this hole?

I have a hunch it's probably 44 mm. That's a common but not the only mounting thread size for the dial-set Compur, see here: https://skgrimes.com/products/mounting-flanges/

Filing this out will be tedious but maybe your simplest option. Don't know where you are. SK Grimes could bore it out for you.


26-Apr-2021, 12:45
That looks pretty much correct. I'm in the USA, but not near anything, so I suppose I could mail it in and have it drilled (assuming they provide that service) but I am hesitant because its a cheap lens that probably from what little I can tell, only barely covers 4x5, so its not like I want to spend a lot on this (I mostly wanted to try something a little less modern than all the other lenses I have.) I could enlarge it fast with a dremel, but then it would even more ugly, so I think a hand file is in order.

(as a side note, I don't know if this shutter was ever CLA'd but its pretty darn close to accurate, especially on the slow speeds which are right on, for a ~90-100 year old shutter. It seems to be really well built.)

26-Apr-2021, 12:56
The hole will be under the shutter and the ring... so the right size and “only reasonably pretty” is what’s needed.

26-Apr-2021, 18:18
Well, it fits now—sort of. I filed it out enough to slide it into shutter, but the mounting ring has that lip on it, and I haven’t filed it enough to seat that lip inside the lens board. It’s good enough for now for testing, if I like the lens enough to actually use it for real, I’ll file it some more.

Thanks for the info!

26-Apr-2021, 18:23
You’ll get there... not much more to remove.