View Full Version : Tired of my ground glass

Conrad . Marvin
19-Apr-2021, 09:33
Many years ago I broke the gg in my 5x7 camera. Too much wind, not enough weight. I tried making a new one using many different grits and types of grit. Whenever I got one that was really sharp and bright, I could see the iris as a bright spot. So I gave up and bought one from a reputable camera manufacturer which was fine, not too sharp, pretty even image as gg’s go so I lived with it. But. Now I would like to change it having used my 4x5 for a time and realizing that the image is Much sharper and even. It happens to have an old Bill Maxwell screen so I contacted Bill to see if he could also make a similar screen for my 5x7. He told me that he had changed his screen quite a bit and that it was much brighter but the angle of view from behind the camera was very narrow. I asked him if he could make one of the older style screens for me and that he would send me a quote. That was several months ago and several emails ago so I assume that he has either stopped making screens or doesn’t want to make the older version.
Any ideas for a new screen that would be sharp and even over a large range of lens focal lengths?

Maris Rusis
19-Apr-2021, 15:50
Ground glass screens are a compromise. Optical law has not been repealed.

The finer the grind the better small details can be focussed. But too fine and the screen tends toward transparency and a hot spot corresponding to the lens exit pupil appears. Focussing in the hot spot is good, elsewhere not so good.

A ground glass gives an even picture when it has a high degree of scattering. But this means most light rays miss the observers eye so the screen is dim.

A coarse ground screen can be brighter but fine detail focussing becomes ambiguous.

A completely un-ground screen can be used for all lenses and apertures to provide bright aerial image focussing. But only in the direction of the lens exit pupil.

A ground glass that incorporates a Fresnel element can redirect light rays that would otherwise miss the observers eye to deliver a brighter image. But the brightening is optimal only on the optical axis of the lens assuming the Fresnel is centred. The best effect is achieved when the focal length of the Fresnel is matched to the focal length of the imaging lens. The Fresnel pattern intrudes on the visibility of the finest detail and there is a brightness versus accuracy trade-off.

The Maxwell screens are a famously good, albeit expensive, balance of the possibilities.

neil poulsen
19-Apr-2021, 17:32
Arca Swiss has a really excellent viewfinder experience, where they place the Fresnel lens between the ground glass and the lens. Normally, this will throw off the focus by a small amount. So, they offset the focus plane by the small amount that's needed to compensate for this shift.

It would take some experimentation, but you might try replicating this configuration. It will improve the brightness and the evenness of what you will see in the viewfinder.

19-Apr-2021, 17:55
Barry Young on this forum makes focusing screens.


Drew Wiley
19-Apr-2021, 18:37
I've found fresnels counterproductive and distracting. The right amount of grind on the glass will provide both comfortable viewing as well as allow acute focus under a magnifier. Very wide angle lenses with a lot of their own native illumination falloff will obviously be a challenge in terms of a potential "hot spot". Viewing with relatively long lenses is easier. And sometimes people are tempted to use a focus loupe just too high in magnification than you really need.

Peter De Smidt
19-Apr-2021, 21:12
Many years ago I broke the gg in my 5x7 camera. Too much wind, not enough weight. I tried making a new one using many different grits and types of grit. Whenever I got one that was really sharp and bright, I could see the iris as a bright spot. So I gave up and bought one from a reputable camera manufacturer which was fine, not too sharp, pretty even image as gg’s go so I lived with it. But. Now I would like to change it having used my 4x5 for a time and realizing that the image is Much sharper and even. It happens to have an old Bill Maxwell screen so I contacted Bill to see if he could also make a similar screen for my 5x7. He told me that he had changed his screen quite a bit and that it was much brighter but the angle of view from behind the camera was very narrow. I asked him if he could make one of the older style screens for me and that he would send me a quote. That was several months ago and several emails ago so I assume that he has either stopped making screens or doesn’t want to make the older version.
Any ideas for a new screen that would be sharp and even over a large range of lens focal lengths?

Bill works best via telephone. I'd give him a call. Set aside enough time, as the call is likely to last awhile.

20-Apr-2021, 05:07
i replaced the gg in my speed graphic with frosted plastic film salvaged from a broken lcd monitor, sandwiched between the fresnel and plain glass. very fine grained and even illumination.

20-Apr-2021, 05:47
Regarding Maris's post I have often wondered if a Gg that consisted of an overall coarse grind and therefore an evenly spread bright image might not be combined with a central area of finer grind with its finer detail and brighter centre.

Conrad . Marvin
20-Apr-2021, 08:32
Lots of really helpful information and ideas. Thanks! I will post again when and if I am successful or even if I decide to just use what I have.

23-May-2021, 00:16

please have a look here thanks

23-May-2021, 00:17
and here for feedback



Tin Can
23-May-2021, 03:09
Recently obtained a Wista 45RF in fantastic condition. The GG with fresnel is VERY bright straight on

However I am trying to use as RF only for a few reasons

I doubt there is a perfect GG for all eyes and usages

Conrad . Marvin
23-May-2021, 06:47
Yes Tin Can, I have several pairs of glasses to try to help out old eyes.
Ashishwakhlu’s screens might be worth a try and at a very reasonable price.
Has anyone tried them out? And do they need a cover glass?

24-May-2021, 20:27
Thanks Conrad.Marvin, there is a buyer feedback link in my message dated 23rd May in this thread. The screen does not need any cover glass.

pl look here for feedback



24-May-2021, 21:43
I got a “Root Phi” ground glass for my Speed Graphic. While I love the design and the framing that it helps create, it would really help if the etched lines were black, like they are on one with a grid. Has anyone ever seen such a thing?