View Full Version : Flood lights for contact printing

13-Apr-2021, 11:10
Where are people getting 150+ watt floodlights to use with Silver chloride? I have some azo, lodima, and adox. I used to get them at the local Lowes, but that was more than a decade ago. Looking for advice.

13-Apr-2021, 15:14
Where are people getting 150+ watt floodlights to use with Silver chloride? I have some azo, lodima, and adox. I used to get them at the local Lowes, but that was more than a decade ago. Looking for advice.

Good luck. I bought mine several years ago from a local lighting supply house who, I believe, special ordered them. Sorry, I know this isn't any real help.

Jim Noel
13-Apr-2021, 18:42
A 100 watt bulb will do the job. Just move it 1/3 closer, and perhaps use a longer printing time. Also, enlarging bulbs should still be available, and a #3 is 150 watt, I believe.

14-Apr-2021, 05:13
I use these in my photoflood reflectors. Good thing I stocked up a long time ago when they were $7. (Sarcasm alert...)


Michael R
14-Apr-2021, 05:24
LEDs have their issues, of course, but why would LED bulbs not work for this application? Fixed grade papers are essentially simple blue sensitive emulsions and contacting doesn’t require an optical system so it should not be difficult to adapt a variety of light sources.

Tin Can
14-Apr-2021, 05:28
LOL I also have few 500 watt long neck Made in USA NOS, good for Elwood

But just now BH must have sold out, so I bought 6 250 watt good for 5X7 Elwood

Should have bought 10...

I use these in my photoflood reflectors. Good thing I stocked up a long time ago when they were $7. (Sarcasm alert...)


14-Apr-2021, 05:34
LEDs have their issues, of course, but why would LED bulbs not work for this application? Fixed grade papers are essentially simple blue sensitive emulsions and contacting doesn’t require an optical system so it should not be difficult to adapt a variety of light sources.

Don't know about all LED type bulbs, but the couple bulbs I tried didn't turn on/off instantly. Turning on was a delay of about 1 sec, while turning off was kind of a dimming down for about 2-3 secs. Could simply be older technology bulbs because this was several years ago. But, the LED lights in the ceiling fans of my house do the same thing and they aren't that old.

Michael R
14-Apr-2021, 05:36
Ah - didn’t know that. Well that isn’t very good. How about a halogen lamp? Quartz halogen is common in enlargers.

Don't know about all LED type bulbs, but the couple bulbs I tried didn't turn on/off instantly. Turning on was a delay of about 1 sec, while turning off was kind of a dimming down for about 2-3 secs. Could simply be older technology bulbs because this was several years ago. But, the LED lights in the ceiling fans of my house do the same thing and they aren't that old.

14-Apr-2021, 05:55
I use a Philips Dura Max 50W Indoor R20 Flood bulb for contact printing on Lodima paper at a distance of 3 or 4 feet, as needed. Works well for me. Of course, YMMV.

14-Apr-2021, 07:14
I use a Philips Dura Max 50W Indoor R20 Flood bulb for contact printing on Lodima paper at a distance of 3 or 4 feet, as needed. Works well for me. Of course, YMMV.


How thick are your negatives? If a 50w works with reasonable time or even a 100w that is great. Mine tend to be fairly thick and are pyrocat rather than PMK or ABC.

Thanks everyone for your ideas. I'm going to get a selection, cut some of my paper stash (Azo 2,3; Lodima 2,3; and Lupex 3), and see what I can get in terms of times with a selection of bulbs. It's been a long time since I contacted printed on silver chloride (over a decade) but I think that the time as come.

14-Apr-2021, 12:49
I was at a friend's house printing on Lodima with a 45w bulb. Print times were ~10 seconds with EV 9 showing on the baseboard. I can't remember what type of bulb it was though. I assume it was something MAS approved. I'm getting a contact printing setup for Lodima/Lupex as well so I'll join in. Probably start at 50/100 to see....

peter schrager
14-Apr-2021, 12:49

15-Apr-2021, 05:17

How thick are your negatives? If a 50w works with reasonable time or even a 100w that is great. Mine tend to be fairly thick and are pyrocat rather than PMK or ABC.

Thanks everyone for your ideas. I'm going to get a selection, cut some of my paper stash (Azo 2,3; Lodima 2,3; and Lupex 3), and see what I can get in terms of times with a selection of bulbs. It's been a long time since I contacted printed on silver chloride (over a decade) but I think that the time as come.

Hi JM:
I develop in ABC Pyro with enough density to print on both Lodima 2/3 and for Albumen paper.

15-Apr-2021, 06:50
Hi JM:
I develop in ABC Pyro with enough density to print on both Lodima 2/3 and for Albumen paper.

Perfect, thanks.