View Full Version : Voigtlander Bergheil bayonet flanges

Gene Kennedy
28-Mar-2021, 13:22
Voigtlander Bergheil users: Have any of you figured out how, or found someone who can reproduce the Bergheil bayonet flanges (or whatever you call them). I remember seeing a thread from someone who suggested that he would have a small number of them made, if he thought people would buy them. I have the following lenses waiting for flanges: 90mm f/6.8 Schneider Angulon in Compur 00, 135mm f/6.3 Carl Zeiss Jena Tessar (covers 189mm) in Compur 00, and 203mm f/7.7 Kodak Ektar in Kodak Supermatic shutter. My cameras with 135mm and 150mm Heliars already have the flanges. It seems like with the advances in computerized milling and 3D printing that we ought to be able to get some of these buggers made! Anybody with any experience on this dilemma? Thanks.

Ron (Netherlands)
31-Mar-2021, 14:49
Quite some time ago a topic about these bayonet flanges was on the German LF forum, with same kind of question. Some member there had them replicated in the past (I followed that thread for a while since I had comparable flanges for the Zeiss bayonet)