View Full Version : Decent wide angle lens for Linhof Master. No range finder use

26-Mar-2021, 22:38
What would be a decent focal range for a Master system?

Some one has offered a super angolun MC 90 for cheap but I worry its too wide. I dont want images to look too obviously wide but i would like a beefier image circle on 4x5

Thank you

27-Mar-2021, 02:20
The standard set of lenses for 4x5 is something like 90 - 135 or 150 and then a 210. Lots of people enjoy using the 90mm focal length and there is plenty of them available in all sorts of qualities. This also means you can often find one for a decent price.

When you think the 90mm is to wide, there are not many choices left. Most lenses around 100mm were made for the 6x9 format and don't or hardly cover 4x5. The two fairly modern alternatives i am aware of are the Fuji f8 105mm (there two versions of this lens, one single coated, one multi coated) or a Schneider f5.6 110mm Super Symmar XL. Both have plenty of image circle for 4x5, but are harder to find and especially the Super Symmar XL can be pretty expensive.

Tin Can
27-Mar-2021, 05:52
I put a 135mm f5.6 W, there are several, in my 4X5 RF

I don't plan on using any other lens in that camera

and using it today in the great outdoors!

27-Mar-2021, 06:34
100mm f/6.3 Wide Field Ektar.

27-Mar-2021, 07:27
90mm is equivalent to 26mm on full frame or 17mm on aps-c if that helps. https://www.flickr.com/search/?text=4x5%2090mm

27-Mar-2021, 10:09

I guess most of my work will be portraits and some environment buikding shots. Hence I have a 150. I thought maybe a 135 but it's pretty close to a 150.

I am not doing architecture. More things like shops or houses, cars.

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28-Mar-2021, 02:59
For me working with 4x5 is a different experience from working with 35mm or medium format. You can of course compare focal lengths, but what works in 35mm doesn't need to work in 4x5 and visa versa.

In your situation i would get the 90mm you have been offered and work with it for a while and then go from there. If it suits you, keep it, if it doesn't sell it and get something you think that suits you better. We can give you all the advice in the world, but the only way to find out if it works is to try it. The proof of the pudding is in the eating... And as prices of 4x5 equipment seem to have an upward tendency the risk of loosing a lot of cash on it, is neglectable.

gary mulder
28-Mar-2021, 09:42
For consideration a super-symmar 4.5/80 or a apo-symmar 5.6/120 L will fit inside a closed Linhof Master.

28-Mar-2021, 10:11
Fuji 105 or 125
Grandagon 115
Schneider 120 or 121

28-Mar-2021, 14:11
What is a wide angle for me might not be a wide angle for you. I feel the Fuji SWD 75mm isn't wide enough to be called a "wide". But I do like it. The Fuji CM-W 125mm is my most used lens however. Think I'll try a 105mm this year.