View Full Version : Arca Swiss A Or B 8x10

23-Mar-2021, 06:41
Hi all, just bought a really messed up 8x10 as a restoration project because it's the only way I can afford it . I believe it is an Arca Swiss old type A or B but I can't find any info on the net about it. I own an Arca Swiss 4x5 which looks very similar. Tips on restoration are very welcome.
Does it take standard cut film sheet holders? Or do I have to make them?
Thank you.214123214124

23-Mar-2021, 16:00
The A has axis tilts, the B has base tilts, the A/B has both. Standard film holders will fit.


23-Mar-2021, 16:21
I once acquired a SInar Norma that looked pretty similar to yours. I didn't take the camera completely apart but separated it into its major units/sections. Then with a lot of patience slowly tackled refinishing each of the major parts. Most metal parts took an evening or 2 to refinish. Bellows I opted to replace since it would have required a lot of patching up, and it was my experience that majorly patching up a bellows gives one a bellows that will only need more patching in the future at the expense of ruined negatives. All in all I was fortunate in that all of the adjustments worked and worked only smoother with use. Be careful on using the correct lubricants if needed... WD-40 and common 3-in-1 household oil are to be avoided. I was in no rush and about a month after acquiring the Sinar was using it in the field. Directions for completely taking apart a Sinar I had found on the WEB and made hard copies of the pages. They were a good guide when needed. If you can find a set of directions for taking apart your Arca-Swiss and putting it back together again, it will be worth its weight in gold. Good luck.

23-Mar-2021, 18:01
Just sold mine, it's a very stable platform and everything works very smoothly - once you get it all back in shape again.
This page may help for some repairs or adjustments: http://colinflanarygraham.com/darkshop/?p=3324
Taking it apart is more straightforward than a Sinar or Toyo, not too many hidden screws.
New bellows are available on eBay, make sure not to buy the F-line bellows or frames.

neil poulsen
23-Mar-2021, 20:39
What you have is kind of a hybrid.

The front standard is a "B" format frame and standard, with what appears to be an "A" function carrier. That's the least capable combination, because front tilt is not possible. But I'll ask the question, can you achieve front tilt with your camera? This is easily corrected by finding a "B" function carrier.

The rear is base tilt "B" configuration. It has both the base tilt function carrier, and the base tilt function carrier.

24-Mar-2021, 01:04
Hi Kumar, thank you. That's a good start.

24-Mar-2021, 01:05
Hi Greg, thank you for the useful guidelines.

24-Mar-2021, 01:11
Hi Ari thank you for the extremely useful link.

24-Mar-2021, 01:14
Hi Neil
Thank you for your help. Old Arca Swiss bits seem rare. I have been looking for a rail but no luck. I will have to share the rail between the 4x5 and this one when it's completed.

neil poulsen
24-Mar-2021, 09:10
Yeah, they come along once and a while. Keep looking. I search Arca [Cameras & Photo] on EBay sorted by highest priced items first. (Brings up camera stuff first, before the tons of cheap Arca tripod head stuff that's available on EBay.)

For example, I purchased a 40cm bracket with rails recently and had the bracket cut down to a 30cm size. I got two brackets out of that, the 30cm and a 10cm which can sometimes be useful. One can also have the rails cut to a customized size, and for cosmetics, paint the cut ends with black modeling paint.

I currently have a project going where I'm combining an Oschwald era (old style, like you have) black A front standard with Axial tilt with a metric Classic F rear standard on the back. S. K. Grimes is customizing bellows for me that will have the two different (old and new) frames on each end. I will also be using front and back, Oschwald era Type A (no base tilt) function carriers. This will result in a camera that will have geared rise/fall capability, combined with front axial tilts, which I prefer. Etc.

RobertsCamera is currently selling on EBay two Oschwald era, black compendium lens hoods, each of which should work with your front standard. In my view, these are the best ever made, because they have four adjustable blades that can be brought right down to the four edges of the 4x5 (or 8x10) ground glass.

Oshwald era cameras rely on seals on standards and bellows to prevent light leaks. I just purchased some 1/8" thick, black fleece fabric (JoAnn Fabrics) that I will cut into 3/16" strips that I think will work well to replace old, decayed foam seals.

24-Mar-2021, 12:42
Yeah, they come along once and a while. Keep looking. I search Arca [Cameras & Photo] on EBay sorted by highest priced items first. (Brings up camera stuff first, before the tons of cheap Arca tripod head stuff that's available on EBay.)

For example, I purchased a 40cm bracket with rails recently and had the bracket cut down to a 30cm size. I got two brackets out of that, the 30cm and a 10cm which can sometimes be useful. One can also have the rails cut to a customized size, and for cosmetics, paint the cut ends with black modeling paint.

I currently have a project going where I'm combining an Oschwald era (old style, like you have) black A front standard with Axial tilt with a metric Classic F rear standard on the back. S. K. Grimes is customizing bellows for me that will have the two different (old and new) frames on each end. I will also be using front and back, Oschwald era Type A (no base tilt) function carriers. This will result in a camera that will have geared rise/fall capability, combined with front axial tilts, which I prefer. Etc.

RobertsCamera is currently selling on EBay two Oschwald era, black compendium lens hoods, each of which should work with your front standard. In my view, these are the best ever made, because they have four adjustable blades that can be brought right down to the four edges of the 4x5 (or 8x10) ground glass.

Oshwald era cameras rely on seals on standards and bellows to prevent light leaks. I just purchased some 1/8" thick, black fleece fabric (JoAnn Fabrics) that I will cut into 3/16" strips that I think will work well to replace old, decayed foam seals.

Thank you so much for all the time saving tips!

neil poulsen
24-Mar-2021, 13:48
Something else for which I keep an eye peeled. As Arca Swiss shifted from Oschwald type cameras to Classic F cameras, they sometimes introduced intermediate models that have characteristics of both types of cameras.

For example, Oschwald cameras tend to have metal parts that have shiny aluminum metal parts and black plastic. I snapped up a Type A Oschwald camera for $250 that had all black painted parts, including the Type A function carriers. It's these function carriers that I'm using for my hybrid 4x5 described above.

25-Mar-2021, 00:04
Hi Neil thank you for your time saving tips 😊.