View Full Version : England Lloyd 4x5 camera

Daniel S
17-Mar-2021, 18:44
I just got into 4x5 photography and I decided to purchase a cheap 4x5 camera. I'm having a hard time finding any information about the camera I purchased. Is anyone familiar with this camera or know where I could find out more about it? The only text on the camera indicates it's an England Lloyd, which I can't find any information about.


Dan Fromm
17-Mar-2021, 19:42
First Google hit: https://www.worthpoint.com/worthopedia/p-england-lloyd-4x5-all-metal-folding-919699564

Also see: https://web.archive.org/web/20121219020855/http://www.mppusers.com/microtec.htm

Daniel S
18-Mar-2021, 11:00
That second link was extremely helpful. Thank you!