View Full Version : Pyro 48 (Moersch)

Michael R
15-Mar-2021, 14:41
Anyone try or using this?

I don’t know why I’m asking but anyway.

Eric Woodbury
15-Mar-2021, 16:24
No I haven't. Have you tried it? Do you like it? What film?

Michael R
15-Mar-2021, 17:32
I haven't, but I'm about to order some. I still sometimes have fun evaluating these things even though I know there won't be any revelations.

Moersch makes some interesting thing so I'll give it a try.

No I haven't. Have you tried it? Do you like it? What film?

John Layton
17-Mar-2021, 07:39
I'm also curious, for two reasons: One - I've been using two Moersch paper developers..."Eco" 4812, and Se-6, and think these formulations are brilliant! Two - While I'm primarily using Pyrocat-HD these days...I do make occasional use of PMK in my work. Thing is, I have occasional issues with some very slight mottling (visible in sky areas) with PMK, and thus would certainly give the Moersch formula a try.

Question: Is Moersch 48 available somewhere in the states?

Michael R
17-Mar-2021, 07:45
It doesn’t seem to be available through any North American retailers I’m aware of. I was going to order it from Fotoimpex. Obviously not ideal but good enough for me to at least experiment with it.