View Full Version : How many film holders?

8-Mar-2021, 17:21
Hi All,
Hopefully this is the correct subforum for this question. I am curious to know how many film holders most of us own (and use). Not talking about a collectible old wooden film holder, but the ones you actually load and use.

I shoot 4x5 and currently have 11 holders, so 22 sheets of film can be ready when I am on a road trip.

Do most of you carry a changing tent and just reload more often?


Eric Woodbury
8-Mar-2021, 17:29
I've only used a tent when I travelled overseas. In the states, I drive. On a long trip of a couple weeks, I'll take 50 holders. I have a few more than than for both 4x5 and 5x7. I shoot 4 different films for 4x5, but mostly FP4 and HP5. Typically only 2 films for 5x7, but sometimes a third. I have never shot them all and seldom shoot a dupe.

A friend that takes long long trips for months used to take a similar amount. Once every 10 days or so they'd take a break from the camping pace, rent a motel room that had a bathroom without a window, and reload holders that way.

A short trip, I'll take 20.

8-Mar-2021, 17:52
Road trip, no changing bag, perhaps a couple weeks or three. (Changing tent for over-seas) What I take:

4x5 -- I have no idea anymore...rarely used. It usually does not go unless specialty needs for a super-lightweight set-up.
5x7 - about 12...not many...but I just got some, so I need to do a recount. While on a dayhike -- 5 or 6 holders
8x10 - 30 or so...about right. On a dayhike -- 6 or 7
11x14 - about 7 that I really trust, 4 older ones. On a day hike...are you kidding me? On a half-day hike, two to four holders

8-Mar-2021, 18:48
For anything more than a morning hike nearby, I will take ALL of them for the system I’m carrying.

For 8x10 that’s 8. 4 in my car, 4 in my bag. I will load them with b&w or color depending on what I’m shooting/where I’m going.

For 4x5 that’s 12. Similarly, 6 in bag, 6 in car.

Changing tent and film boxes (including an empty one to unload) are always in my car if I’m staying overnight on location.

My approach works on the basis that most of the time I shoot sunrise/sunset only. I may shoot b&w during the rest of the day, sometimes. Then after dinner I reload everything I’ve used for the next morning.

8-Mar-2021, 18:55
All, thank you for the answers so far!!

I appreciate the added information about your approaches too. I tend to have some with me, some in the car (or otherwise not too far away), and it is usually a mix of film stocks. It has so far not been an issue, as I am finding that I shoot fewer images that I plan to when I pack up, but in the future I want to push to shoot more. Might be time to add another 5-10 holders.

Maris Rusis
8-Mar-2021, 18:58
About 30 in 8x10 and 4x5 formats plus 6 Grafmatics in 4x5. The idea long ago when I got the holders was to be able to load out a complete 50 sheet box of film in one go and not have to re-freeze some left over sheets. Remember when film came in 50 sheet boxes?

8-Mar-2021, 19:38
Before this COVID mess, for the past several years I’ve done two extended photography road trips per year with my 4x5 camera, and I have about 80-90 film holders that I load up for each trip. Earlier in my LF career I had fewer holders and relied on a changing tent to allow me to reload holders during each trip. I still bring that tent and some extra film (in boxes) along on my road trips, but have not needed to reload any holders in the last 2-3 month-long trips where I started with the 90 or so loaded holders. Since I have that many holders, but would never want to run out of film in holders when on the road, I don’t foresee leaving my changing tent at home.

My film holder strategy is based on the premise that I don’t camp, but stay in motels throughout my journeys, so can fairly easily reload holders along the way (using my changing tent). I also like to have holders with 3-4 types of B&W film, and 2-3 types of color film, at the ready for me to select on any given day when I'm out in the field and choosing subjects. I don't take more than maybe 20 holders with this mix of film choices with me in my car each day, as the rest of my 90 or so holders will be back in the motel room. In the field I generally work out of the back of my car, or short hikes away. Others here have described how they label their holders and keep notes on each film that is exposed, and for that I use a piece of 3/8in. gaffer's tape on each side of each loaded film holder, and write my exposure and development notes on those tapes (along with date, subject, etc.). I use different colors of tape for each type of film, to help me be double sure which film I'm using for each image. If I have to empty and reload some film holders along the way during my trips, I then need to have some way to keep those pieces of gaffer's tape and the films in the right order so that I can know what to do with development of each sheet of film when I get back home. That is not too difficult or cumbersome, but it is easier when I get home if I have enough film holders to last me the entire trip without having to reload any while traveling (thus my loading and preparation of so many holders for a month long road trip).

Bernice Loui
8-Mar-2021, 19:51
4x5 holders, not counted them in decades, not used then in decades. Stack about 16" fills the entire length of their case. And... two graphmatics that were once used often. Still have a stack of spare film septum that are not bent or abused.

5z7 holders, maybe 50 known good holders. Typically 12 holders easily meets the film needs for an entire day. If more images are needed, have taken more than 20 holders for a single project that is know to require lots of film. 6-8 holders fit in the Pelican case with the Sinar Norma and all needed except tripod.

13x18cm holders, about 30 (Fidelity & Linhof combo plate/film). There was a time when significant amount of 13x18cm film was being used. There will come a time when the frozen supply of Agfapan APX 100 is gonna run out. Then these holders are likely going to be retired.

8x10, one. It is a reminder of them old days.

Mention of film changing tents, much like the previous post, did this decades ago... to discover dust and ick was too much hassle and wrecked too many images. Some time circa later 1980's, the solution was to have and used a LOT of film holders and never use a film changing tent. On trips, finding a dark closet to change film can work.


8-Mar-2021, 19:52
I generally take about 6 holders out with me for the day. If on a trip I'll simply reload them at night in a bathroom. I don't think I've ever taken more than 10 LF in a single day. With 8x10 I'll take two holders.

Kent in SD

8-Mar-2021, 20:05
8x10 I have only ten. I got 4 new ones when they were still available, some of the rest are like new, so were very expensive, that is why so few. My 8x10 bag holds three at a time. That works out OK because I'll shoot 5 sheets; just enough for one run in the Jobo Expert drum.

4x5 I have so many I don't know. When I got into 4x5 people were giving these away. My bag only holds about 6 at a time.

9-Mar-2021, 06:50
8x10 - 5
5x7 - 6
4x5 - 8

That's what fits in bags/cases

9-Mar-2021, 07:15
5 4x5 Toyo
6 Whole Plate Chamonix
4 8x10 Chamonix
6 8x10 Fidelity for pinhole camera
3 11x14 Chamonix
2 11x14 Fidelity for pinhole camera

Chamonix holders stored in individual OEM soft padded cases
4x5 Toyo holders in one padded case
Fidelity holders for pinhole the cameras stored in Pinhole camera cases

On any one day the majority of the holders are loaded with film. I now stick to shooting really only Ilford FP4 Plus, so do not need to ID the film inside the holders. When shooing other types of film, I place a piece of painter's masking tape over the tops of the holders with the film type printed on the tape with a Sharpie. Tape is always on the holder whether the film has ben exposed or not.

These days for most personal shoots to selected destinations usually expose about 4 sheets of film. Back in the 1970s when I was a student R.I.T. used to expose sometimes a dozen sheets of 8x10 Super XX on day trips to the New York Finger Lakes region.

Drew Bedo
9-Mar-2021, 08:33
How many?

Its up to you and how you shoot. When out and about I typically pack 5 film holders to keep the weight down and focus my selection of subjects. With five, I can load half a box of Velvia and keep the other ten sheets sealed in their internal foil packaging. It also helps me avoid confusing loose sheers of exposed and un exposed film separated.i

That's an adaptation to my own limitations.

Ten or more years ago I had forty or so holders, ten or so newer all plastic ones and the rest older holders with thei metal slide pull handle.

Given the opportunity to buy twelve never used, new-in-the-box (NOS) Fidelity holders I jumped on it. Then sold off the old holders to streamline my kit and open up the corner with the cardboard box full of old holders.

So now there are the five in my shooting bag and seven still boxed in a cupboard.

9-Mar-2021, 08:45
I have only a few holders, four Fidelity Elites + four Riteways for my 4x5 Tachi.

213627 213628

I’ll carry just two holders on a non-scouted day hike, and all eight holders on a one or two-week car excursion into national forests. I usually don’t bother with changing tents. I store these holders in an Igloo “Little Playmate” cooler in the back trunk. A snug fit out of the heat.

I’m also still using my Fuji QuickLoad holder since I often find frozen QuickLoad boxes and loose sheets on my local Craigslist. Most often it’s Fuji Tungsten-64 that’s still available, which I convert to daylight landscape film with my trusty Lee 85b filter. It’s a nice change of pace to leave my conventional holders at home, and worry less about dust.

9-Mar-2021, 08:50
A multiple of 3 because 6 sheets is what goes into my Jobo 2509n. I mostly take 6 holder on a daytrip unless I'm sure there will be plenty of subjects.

Bernice Loui
9-Mar-2021, 09:20
Question of how many film holders brings up another list of absolutely related questions of:

~How are the film holders transported, what does the entire film related system weight? So often there is chat about the size-weight of the camera-lens-tripod_support, yet little discussion about film holders and their means of transport and ...

~What kind of film to bring-use.

~How to keep track of film holders that are exposed -vs- film holders with un-exposed film. This becomes significant as the number of film holders are used.

Now that the film has been cycled, how will the exposed film processed?


9-Mar-2021, 11:07
Question of how many film holders brings up another list of absolutely related questions of:

~How are the film holders transported, what does the entire film related system weight? So often there is chat about the size-weight of the camera-lens-tripod_support, yet little discussion about film holders and their means of transport and ...
- they go into the bag with the camera
- too much

~What kind of film to bring-use.
Depends on the light, but as there is almost nothing else then 100 iso, does it matters?

~How to keep track of film holders that are exposed -vs- film holders with un-exposed film. This becomes significant as the number of film holders are used.
In the photobag, white is unexposed, dark is exposed. At home, separate boxes for exposed, unexposed and empty holders.

Now that the film has been cycled, how will the exposed film processed?
In the Jobo according to datasheet.

9-Mar-2021, 11:42
Question of how many film holders brings up another list of absolutely related questions of:

~How are the film holders transported, what does the entire film related system weight? So often there is chat about the size-weight of the camera-lens-tripod_support, yet little discussion about film holders and their means of transport and ...

~What kind of film to bring-use.

~How to keep track of film holders that are exposed -vs- film holders with un-exposed film. This becomes significant as the number of film holders are used.

Now that the film has been cycled, how will the exposed film processed?


Another opinion...

- When I was into ultralight backpacking and also carrying my 4x5 with me, every ounce counted. Lenses were slow, small, and light. Changed film at night in the tent versed having to haul along a bulky film changing bag. Downside was that I carried few loaded film holders for the day's shoot. Upside was that I carried few loaded film holders for the day's shoot. Now shoot mostly out of the back of my vehicle or to destinations a short hike away. Life and times change.

- Always just used one type of film. Made life a lot easier. Super-XX, then HP3, and finally FP4+. If mistakes are made in the processing, they were never as bad as if I were using several different types of film, especially if I were shooting both B&W and Color. Worst case was definitely when I processed some sheets of Chrome in B&W chemistry... boxes of exposed film feel the same in the dark.

- Holders have always been labeled with letter (film format), number (holder's number), and A and B (sides of the holder). Also kept a detailed list that was meticulously kept up to date.

Alan Klein
9-Mar-2021, 12:22
Question of how many film holders brings up another list of absolutely related questions of:

~How are the film holders transported, what does the entire film related system weight? So often there is chat about the size-weight of the camera-lens-tripod_support, yet little discussion about film holders and their means of transport and ...

~What kind of film to bring-use.

~How to keep track of film holders that are exposed -vs- film holders with un-exposed film. This becomes significant as the number of film holders are used.

Now that the film has been cycled, how will the exposed film processed?


I started using these removable label "Dots" in 1/2" size although they come in different sizes and colors. They're handy to identify the film in the holder which I color code.

9-Mar-2021, 12:40
Some good ideas here. I use white camera tape strips ripped in 1/2 and write on them with a Sharpie. I put each holder in a sandwich sized Ziplock sealed with a rubber band. They go into 1 gallon Ziplock bags. 5 (6 in a pinch) film holders fit well into a Lowepro Utility Bag, which then attach to the belt. Exposed holders go back into the Ziplock upside down with a small strip of tape across the top. Then the exposed holders go into the utility bag upside down. I don’t keep notes on each film in each holder. I usually only work with 1 emulsion at a time and I am usually shooting too quickly to do much else. That;s what assistants are for (when necessary)

Rick L
9-Mar-2021, 13:56
I have 14 4x5
and a dozen 5x7

I keep 4 to 6 filled with my favorite B&W
then a couple with a faster B&W film and a couple each with a different color films

I can leave some in the truck and just take what I need - but then - I am not hiking any real distance so a return trip for more is not a problem, if i am taking two cameras and tripods I pack it in one of those folding wagons

I have some very small labels I got at Staples to ID the film in them - they seem to stay on but come off easy when I want to change things up

9-Mar-2021, 15:49
4x5 - about 20, plus 4 Grafmatics and 1 Kinematic
5x7 - 6
8x10 - 8, + one custom 4x10 holder
12x20 - 4

I never load out in the field. Occasionally at hotel or wherever I am staying I will load extra sheets as needed. I only take what I think I'll need, but long trips can sometimes mean I need more if I hit a stride.

Graham Patterson
9-Mar-2021, 16:19
5x4 - I rarely use more than 6 holders in a given day, but I may have more with me in the car if I think the light conditions might warrant it. I do find that I cannot always process as fast as I expose film, so I acquired around 20 holders over time, plus a grafmatic that goes with the MPP. I only empty holders into boxes for exposed film when I absolutely have to - better to minimize the handling and dust risk. Cleaned and empty holders are bagged and go into a particular box. Any other holder is presumed to be 'open in the dark' only!

8x10 is 4 holders. I might get another one or two, but 4 seems enough. Since I sometimes do 4x10 or 5x8 using an in-camera mask I can get good use out of 8 sheets at the expense of adding a post-it with the exposure sketch with each holder.

I think it does pay to have enough holders to divide nicely into 25 sheets (3, 4, 6, 12). I always note how many sheets are left in a box - it saves disappointment 8-)

Tin Can
9-Mar-2021, 16:19
No idea how many total holders I have

I doubt I ever need to buy more

My favorite are NOS wood 2X3 in OE boxes

9-Mar-2021, 18:44
Five holders and a changing bag, keep it manageable.

Fred L
9-Mar-2021, 18:48
probably at least 30-40 4x5, maybe 20 5x7, 25-30 8x10, and four 7x17. Am transitioning to 5x7 so will likely purge most of the 4x5, but keep the Riteways with the locks. Majority are stored in Photobackpacker cases.

10-Mar-2021, 08:14
I have many film holders in different sizes from 4x5 to 12x20. I usually take 6 films holders and a change bag with me on vacation/trip.

Tobias Key
10-Mar-2021, 08:54
I have about 20 4x5 holders. I regularly shoot portraits where I might get through quite a few holders so I often will have them all loaded for a shoot (although I would rarely use that many). If I am out hiking in the countryside four is the most I take with me.

William Whitaker
10-Mar-2021, 09:45
The weight of film holders is surprising and adds up quickly, IMHO. I try to limit my formats (which have already been reduced over the years) and pick one format for a given excursion instead of a smorgasbord. Same with lenses (although I know that wasn't the topic). Age sucks.
The Rolleiflex looks pretty damn good some days!

But to answer the question:
5x7 - 6
8x10 - 12 or so, but carry only about 3 at a time
14x17 - 5*
12x20 - 3*

*ULF is a different beast altogether. Rather than carrying the entire kit (yeah, right?), I will scout a location with my iPhone (taking snapshots and notes re: time, date, lighting, etc.), then return at a preordained time on a strike mission to make the image. Strolling with a 12x20 is not in my repertoire. But maybe I should consider it some time... :)

William Whitaker
10-Mar-2021, 09:47
Note to self: Ya think film holders are bad? Try plate holders!
Sorry Jason! :D

Paul Ron
10-Mar-2021, 11:46
i take 6 4x5 with me but i have 100 4x5 film holders i wanted to sell but got no buyers here when i listed them last year.

anyone interested?

10-Mar-2021, 11:51
I think as you can see most folks have plenty of holders. I would suggest you consider the Facebook LF marketplace which is pretty active, including lots of new users looking for typical new user stuff.

10-Mar-2021, 12:45
I looked around and found 39 of them. Didn't know I had that many... Must be a year since I took a photo.

Tin Can
10-Mar-2021, 12:54
As you know, i will never use FB again

Amazon has cornered the book market, and NOT supplying Libraries at any price...

Zuck has the 'best' smile on the 500 list...

I smell a film holder KS, smoking something...

I think as you can see most folks have plenty of holders. I would suggest you consider the Facebook LF marketplace which is pretty active, including lots of new users looking for typical new user stuff.

10-Mar-2021, 15:58
i take 6 4x5 with me but i have 100 4x5 film holders i wanted to sell but got no buyers here when i listed them last year.

anyone interested?

Then your price was too high.

10-Mar-2021, 16:00
I have a dozen or so rigid 4x5 and probably 20 Midos, but only 2 8x10. Probably 2 dozen 5x7 that need more use.

Tin Can
10-Mar-2021, 16:18
I see this thread sparked sales of holders

You lurkers don't see sales


Tracy Storer
10-Mar-2021, 16:36
"You can never be too rich, too good looking, or have too many film holders"
For the exotic, ULF sizes, I have 4-6 per format.
For 8x10, I have about.... a lot, I don't have a problem. Honestly, 30-40 holders with another 20 older wooden ones on the road to refurbishment (when I have time to finish cleaning them up and make new darkslides).
5x7 and 4x5 I don't shoot a lot, but probably have 20 or so each.
3.25" x 4.25" A dozen nice Fidelity ones, some plate holders, and pack film holders for my stash of outdated pack film.

I have had a couple 8x10 jobs where I've shot 60+ sheets in a day, and if I'm doing a shoot with a model, I seem to shoot around 30 sheets of 8x10.

10-Mar-2021, 17:04
How many you have and how many you use/need are different things.

I have somewhere around 25-30 DDS, maybe more. Don't know really. Another 5 or 6 Grafmatics. Really only need a Grafmatic or two for most days. It is nice to have all of them though.

10-Mar-2021, 23:57
How many you have and how many you use/need are different things.

It is, but I really like the convenience to not having to empty and reload them after each shoot. I only take 6 when I go out because of weight and size. But having more means you can load them in a single session, have some around in case you need/want more, you can accumulate a few before you start a development session etc. Or you can have different films ready.

Paul Ron
11-Mar-2021, 06:07
just as predicted tin can... lots of holders for sale in the classifieds.

11-Mar-2021, 07:59
I used to have many Fidelity, Sinar or Linhof holders.
Although doing mostly group portraits, I never needed more than three 5x7 holders for the TMY film.
There was never time to shoot more.
Today, one holder is enough, as the plates would dry otherwise...

John Earley
14-Mar-2021, 17:30
4x5 about 40
5x7 I have a dozen
8x10 I also have a dozen.

When on an overnight trip I'll take 10 of the 4x5 if I'm shooting that, 10 5x7 for that format or 8 of the 8x10's. For a day trip I half all those amounts.

15-Mar-2021, 04:31
21 4x5 - I load 13 of them with FP4+ and the remainder have some Delta 100 , HP5, or Bergger 400. I carry 6 in the pack and have a case that holds another 6 if I hit a target rich area.
3 5x12
1 8x10 to go with the plywood 8x10 pinhole camera I purchased some years back.

Tin Can
15-Mar-2021, 04:47
I lied

2 more holders incoming

Bertha DeCool
16-Mar-2021, 16:27
From 4x5 to now 5x7, I've just always used 5 film holders. No particular reason.
I travel/camp with a changing bag and empty boxes labelled -1, N, +1, +2. Usually keep unexposed film bagged in a cooler; I only shoot b&w (5x7) so I'm not so worried about refrigeration, has never been an issue.
When I've ever needed to tape a hotel bathroom door, I put the tape down on a blanket or carpet first to get it less sticky. Gaffer tape will take the paint right off a door frame.

16-Mar-2021, 19:14
I only have 3 as I'm new to large format, I want to get a few more at least.

Renato Tonelli
17-Mar-2021, 17:40
4x5 - 20 holders
5x7 - 20 holders
8x10 - 5 holders

Edit - forgot that I have about 10 MIDOs that I haves used very little.

I had more but have been selling to consolidate all the holders in one drawer; on a good outing, I will use no more than 10-12 holders in the 4x5 and 5x7 formats. I rarely use more than 3-4 8x10 holders in one day. I usually unload the same day I used them, clean and reload.

QUESTION: is the Toyo the only company left making holders? Out of curiosity, a search turned up only the Toyo holders.

Serge S
17-Mar-2021, 19:03
QUESTION: is the Toyo the only company left making holders? Out of curiosity, a search turned up only the Toyo holders.

It appears to be so apart from Chamonix & possibly one other Chinese company.

Martin Aislabie
18-Mar-2021, 10:32
I only shoot one film in one size - HP5 in 5x4.

I average out at about 8 film holders per day - it has been as low as 3 in a whole day and as high as 20.

However, I carry 60 with me on a photographic trip and carry a Harrison Changing Tent plus spare film but have never had to use them - so far.

My camera bag will hold 12 at a time and I use Lock n Lock food containers to keep then in (clean and dry).

In each box of 12 I carry a pencil to write any special notes about SBR or similar.

The boxes are numbered - so I know what order they were shot - which can help when you come develop them.

Hope this helps


18-Mar-2021, 10:43
4x5 around 150 ( I used to photograph architecture/interiors in the old days)
5x7 around 50
8x10 - 29 (usually take 6 or 12 with me)


Tin Can
18-Mar-2021, 10:47
Just in, 2 NOS 5X7 Dry Plate holders

No name, no Brand, really nice wood and shiny slides

One has 2 #3 Eastman Film Sheaths, perfect, NOS

These are my first 2 5X7 Plate Holders with loading flaps and a little more thickness than older ones

Thank you LFPF seller!

DG 3313
18-Mar-2021, 14:30
4x5 dry plate (2)
4x5 film (14)
5x7 film (5)
8x10 film (4)
Photo flex changing tent (haven’t used it in years and only with 4x5 at Mono Lake Area)

eric black
18-Mar-2021, 14:55
4x5 (15)
4x10 (5)
8x10 (5)
all multiples of even loads for my Jobo Expert Drum
changing bag along only when I think I might need it (like a longer trip) otherwise all the loading and unloading is in the dark room at home.