View Full Version : Link to Fred Picker's Zone VI Workshop video

Peter De Smidt
28-Feb-2021, 14:31

28-Feb-2021, 14:50
I suspect many experienced LF users here have their own way of doing things, but I'd imagine those starting out or wanting to improve, would benefit from just about everything shown in that video. Thanks for the link.

1-Mar-2021, 08:49
Thanks for this!

At 16:45, is that a viewfinder he brings up to his eyes?

1-Mar-2021, 11:11
Thanks. At least now I got what i paid for when I got from an old guy a few years ago and it had no sound. The same guy who took my Kalloflex TLR apart but was too old to figure out how to put it back together. :rolleyes: Fortunately I got the latter back from him, in pieces, months before he passed. And now I have sound.

Not that I think I'll ever watch it. I think he gave it to me as partial payment on something else he screwed up. It wasn't really something I sought out.

1-Mar-2021, 11:16
Thanks for posting this link! Watching him brings back many memories of attending his workshop in 1979 and visiting him over many subsequent years.

William Whitaker
1-Mar-2021, 11:19
At 16:45, is that a viewfinder he brings up to his eyes?

That's a viewing filter, intended to help the eye better distinguish tonal relationships without being distracted by the color within the scene.
In reality it is a Wratten #90 filter. Zone VI sold these, sandwiched between glass, in a small plastic frame which had an opening sized to match the aspect ratio of your chosen format. So this was a takeoff on Ansel's viewing card combined with the Wratten #90 as an aid in visualization.

Ah, the Fredster!....
This guy, probably more than any other, set the hook for me in LF photography and photography in general back in the late '70's/early '80's...
Met him once in Hanover, NH at a camera store (of all places, right?). But I have never seen his video until now. Thanks for posting PdS!

1-Mar-2021, 11:25
That's a viewing filter, intended to help the eye better distinguish tonal relationships without being distracted by the color within the scene.
In reality it is a Wratten #90 filter. Zone VI sold these, sandwiched between glass, in a small plastic frame which had an opening sized to match the aspect ratio of your chosen format. So this was a takeoff on Ansel's viewing card combined with the Wratten #90 as an aid in visualization.

Thanks William!

Renato Tonelli
1-Mar-2021, 11:40
There are some nuggets in his videos (and newsletters) that still ring true for me. One of my favorites: "don't sell (prints) by the square yard".

Renato Tonelli
1-Mar-2021, 11:42
Ah, the Fredster!....
This guy, probably more than any other, set the hook for me in LF photography and photography in general back in the late '70's/early '80's...
Met him once in Hanover, NH at a camera store (of all places, right?). But I have never seen his video until now. Thanks for posting PdS!

Same here.