View Full Version : Sun Position using suncalc.org

26-Feb-2021, 10:42
I searched, and this was last referred to a couple of years ago.

I do a lot of architectural photography that requires me to figure out in advance what times of day will work for buildings I'm photographing.

www.suncalc.org is a great tool to find sun position at a certain time and date. They also have a phone app with the same functionality.

Between suncalc and Google Maps with Streetview, I can often figure out roughly the views to take, and time of day, before going to the site.

2-Mar-2021, 07:18
Nice, I use Sun Locator Lite on my Android for the same purpose.



Paul Ron
2-Mar-2021, 11:08
pretty cool.

2-Mar-2021, 13:24
I also use Sun Locator Lite.

suncalc.org is nice because I can look things up on the computer and print out the map for reference.

Roger Beck
10-Mar-2021, 07:17
The Sun Seeker app has a 3D feature, you can check the suns location on any day.


10-Mar-2021, 08:39
Thanks for this. I had gotten the link long ago but lost it, happy to have it back. Very useful.

10-Mar-2021, 09:28
For iPhone I use LightTrac, excellent.