View Full Version : Switching lenses. Any disadvantage with downsizing the filter thread size?

13-Feb-2021, 17:42
Hi. I currently shoot with a Fuji 150mm f/5.6 lens. It uses 67mm threads.

I'd like to try out a Rodenstock N 150mm f/5.6. it uses 49mm threads.

Are there any disadvantages that might go along with the smaller lens size of the Rodenstock? Or is this not something to worry about and just get a step ring and use my 67mm filters?

Thanks for your thoughts.

Drew Wiley
13-Feb-2021, 19:06
I don't know what you expect to achieve optically by such a switch. Fuji's own 150W and NW/ 5.6 was petite and took 55mm filters. Perhaps you have the later Fuji CMW with the illogical oversized funnel front end, if its threaded for 67mm filter. Otherwise, step rings work fine, yes.

14-Feb-2021, 14:28
Nothing to worry about.You just need a ring or new filter.

There is nothing illogical with the CM-W series that standardises (largely) on 67mm. I like the idea and just stay in the series. Just a pity the 90 SWD doesn't fit in.

14-Feb-2021, 15:00
Heck, you can often use a step-down filter and make due with smaller filters on camera lenses as long as you don't mind a slight hit on your image circle. I would guess most folks aren't pushing the limit of their image circle when using typical lenses in typical scenarios - obviously not recommended for ultrawides with smaller ICs or when shooting architecture with extreme movements.

14-Feb-2021, 15:13
Adam... don’t bother changing. Stick with what you have unless you are absolutely convinced it isn’t giving you the result you want.

14-Feb-2021, 19:04
I'm totally screwed up!!! I'm sorry. After I wrote this post I realized I DO NOT HAVE the 67mm thread version of the Fuji 150mm (which is a higher quality lens). I have the 55mm "W" version which I think is pretty much a good entry level lens.

I also have a Rodenstock 90mm which is an amazing lens and I was looking to match it's quality in the 150mm FL.

So, really this post can just be deleted, because I'm doing exactly what I was concerned about!! Anyway, I was screwed up and now I'm just....well a little less screwed up.

Thank you all for confirming what I already knew but didn't know I knew it!!

Dan Fromm
14-Feb-2021, 19:40
I'm totally screwed up!!!

Indeed you are. When you've calmed down, please tell us the maximum aperture and filter thread size of your 150 mm Fujinon.

If it is an f/6.3 lens, it is the Tessar type. You're seriously confused about Tessar type lenses. Good f/6.3 Tessar types -- that's all of them -- give up little to plasmat types except coverage, and Fuji's 150/6.3 has ample coverage for 4x5.

Do yourself a favor. Stop worrying about what's best and go take pictures. And read this: https://www.largeformatphotography.info/chasing-magic-bullet.html

Doremus Scudder
15-Feb-2021, 11:46
Using a larger filter on a lens with a smaller filter size by means of a stepping ring will never negatively impact the image. Many of us do that all the time; standardizing on the largest size filters we normally use and adapting them to all the smaller lenses we own with stepping rings so we don't have to carry so many filters around; one set suffices.

Using a smaller filter on a lens with a larger filter size by using a stepping ring will impinge on the image circle (mechanical vignetting). This may be alright as long as you don't need the extra coverage, especially if the size difference is small. I've got a WF Ektar that I've stepped down a mm or so from a series size to a standard mm size. No problems most of the time. When I need the extra coverage, I just remove the stepping ring and hand-hold a larger filter if needed.



Tin Can
15-Feb-2021, 12:34
I have a pile of step down and step up threaded rings, most worn, and came in a pile in an old box from a long deceased collector

some are are a problem getting them on and off

buy the best you can afford and be gentle with them

most of the also old filters from the same box are damaged