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View Full Version : Mounting a 14" f6 Veritar on Toyo 810M

Neal Chaves
7-Feb-2021, 12:54
I recently obtained a nice-looking Wollensak 14" f6 Veritar after reading such favorable reviews of it on this forum. It looked like it was unused and probably was. I had to CLA the shutter because lubricants had dried, but now it runs like new. This is the version with the the mounting flange at the end of the rear element, rather than at the rear of the shutter. This gives extra extension for cameras with limited bellows and my 810M has plenty of extension, so I mounted it in a Toyo recessed board where it is better balanced in the front standard.

It came without caps. An 86mm snap cap fits the rear nicely. The front has a 4"/40 thread for which it is impossible to find screw-in hoods or filters. I obtained a 100mm to 105mm Heliopan step-up ring and it slipped in perfectly, held firmly with a little Silicone RTV. I just need a cap, a short hood and a protective filter. These are easy to obtain and inexpensive in 105mm. I look forward to trying it out once my garage studio warms up a bit and seeing how it compares to the 300mm Imagon.


7-Feb-2021, 13:23
That is one good looking Veritar!

8-Feb-2021, 13:22
I have the 14” f6 Veritar also and prefer it over the Imagon's because you are better able to fine tune the degree of softness. Mine has the factory chrome metal cap lined with velvet which fits snugly over the front element – you have to knowingly remove it for it to come off. However there is no rear cap and thanks to your post I'm going to order a 86mm cap to see it it fits. The lens is mounted on a flat metal 159x159mm Toyo board.

I've had the lens for a few years now and ever since I learned to use a “long throw” cable release have had no problems with it. Having pulled it out for this post, I tripped the shutter several times at different speeds and they sound accurate to my ear. The only issue I have with it is the inability to attach my Cokin Z-Pro filter holder to it. The Z-Pro is actually too small – the X-Pro would work but I couldn't find the correct adapter rings for it when I last looked - but a 100mm square filter covers 100% of the front lens element so I've been manually holding the filter against the front element when using it. Your solution of the Heliopan step-up ring looks interesting but I don't know if it will work with the Cokin holders: Eyeballing the Z-Pro there is ~ 3mm between the back of the holder to the slot where the adapter ring slides in and then another 3 or 4mm for the lips ring. From the photo it doesn't look like there is enough space for the ring.