View Full Version : Cibachrome printing

17-Jan-2021, 21:19
Does anyone know of a lab that still does Cibachrome printing?

David Michael Bigeleisen

17-Jan-2021, 23:50
I don't think so give the fact that the materials haven't been manufactured for many years...

18-Jan-2021, 06:57
Yeah, I doubt it too. Even frozen stock is probably bad by now.

Oren Grad
18-Jan-2021, 08:22
What Christopher Burkett has to say about Cibachrome status:


I don't know of any lab still offering it to the public.

Jim Noel
18-Jan-2021, 09:13
That's an ingenious solution to low cost camera/development. Thanks for sharing.

18-Jan-2021, 09:18

Lol. People are so weird.

18-Jan-2021, 09:39
That's some old-school creativity! :) Love it!

18-Jan-2021, 11:53
It's too bad that Cibachrome is gone. It had a look that I liked. What products and processes and labs are people using to try to come close to the Cibachrome look?

Cibachrome dyes were very durable. Does anyone know if the dyes in the new products will last as long?

Incidentally, my father told me that he was acquainted with the chemist who developed the dyes for Cibachrome. The same chemist also developed some of the dyes used in Polaroid color products.

Thank you in advance.


Drew Wiley
18-Jan-2021, 11:55
The unopened box of Ciba paper left in my freezer has probably developed too much crossover for reliable results; but someone wants it anyway for fun experimenting nonetheless. My P3 chemistry might still be good. Dunno. I saw the handwriting on the wall and switched over to RA4 and color neg film quite awhile ago, although some of my old chrome shots have been turned into excellent RA4 prints via 8x10 contact internegs. Fujiflex Supergloss achieves the same look as Ciba, but is easier to use.

Drew Wiley
19-Jan-2021, 15:44
'Goodbye Cibachrome"... more like, "goodbye common sense". Bare handed, no respirator, fooling around with sulfuric acid bleach.

19-Jan-2021, 16:09
'Goodbye Cibachrome"... more like, "goodbye common sense". Bare handed, no respirator, fooling around with sulfuric acid bleach.

He was wearing a bitching sweater.. That's gotta count for something.

Drew Wiley
19-Jan-2021, 16:16
Maybe I'm just really jealous of his custom made camera.

19-Jan-2021, 18:31
Frank Green in Burbank is still printing ciba. He's an excellent printer. Can print murals with an 8x10 enlarger and able to make LVT interpositives as needed for digital files. Probably among the last in the US.


28-Jan-2021, 13:50
That was great. He did a series, “The Secret Life of Machines” many years ago the was both informative and entertaining.


30-Jan-2021, 17:25
I remember making 8X10 Cibachrome prints from 35mm slides in my bathroom as a teenager back in the late 70's. I'll have to dig them out of the box - probably been 30-40 years since I had a look at them.