View Full Version : Dating a spring back

27-Dec-2020, 09:19
I have a 4x5 spring back for a Gandolfi half-plate camera which is stamped L Gandolfi so it was, I assume, made before 1928. Can anyone tell me when makers such as Gandolfi started making spring backs so that I may date it more precisely? Thanks.

John Kasaian
27-Dec-2020, 10:45
I'd recommend an intimate Italian dinner at home.
Light some beeswax candles.
Some Dean Martin or Francis Albert Sinatra on the stereo.
A bottle of chilled Prosecco.
No, wait. What??
Never mind :rolleyes:

27-Dec-2020, 11:50
A photo of the back (not the dinner) might help. L

27-Dec-2020, 13:50
Unfortunately I cannot upload images to this site at the moment - I'm suspecting that its an issue to do with Safari.

27-Dec-2020, 17:57
I'm suspecting that its an issue to do with Safari.

Have you tried a different browser? I haven't used Safari in years, use TenFourFox or Google Chrome. L

Conrad . Marvin
28-Dec-2020, 07:06
Gandolfi was the first camera company to make surveillance cameras for airplanes in WW 1. They were made in England until the 1990s and a bit. I have had a 5x7 for almost 30 years using lenses from 75mm to 480mm (600 mm tel) . Too bad they closed after making cameras for over 100 years.

Tin Can
28-Dec-2020, 07:08
Perhaps you missed the Gandolfi history CD's, posted on this forum

I have one somewhere, but they have copyright

Seek them

I have a 4x5 spring back for a Gandolfi half-plate camera which is stamped L Gandolfi so it was, I assume, made before 1928. Can anyone tell me when makers such as Gandolfi started making spring backs so that I may date it more precisely? Thanks.