View Full Version : Lenses for Crown Graphic with top rangefinder

22-Nov-2020, 09:19
I have a top mounted rangefinder that came with the Xenar 135mm and the focus using rangefinder matches gg focus. I also just bought a Nikkor-W 135mm and a Fujinon-W 210mm at a good price. I was hoping to use the Nikkor in place of the Xenar but after installing the focus with the rangefinder is off. My first questions is what is the exact procedure to set infinity stops and existing cam for use with the Nikkor? My other question is since I already have a 135 Xenar should I sell the Nikkor 135 and get a lens and cam to use for tighter candid pictures using the rangefinder and which one would be best. I intend to use the Fujinon 210mm strictly focusing off the ground glass.

22-Nov-2020, 12:11
Focus using the rangefinder at some distinct target 10-20 feet away, then lock the focus. Next, move the lens and front standard on the base until it is focused on the ground glass and lock it down. Your problem is first getting the proper flange-focal distance.

Check to see how accurate it is from near to far. Since the lenses aren't the same, it may not be quite accurate. The best option is to do this procedure at a distance you are likely to shoot. In other words, if you are planning on shooting near infinity a lot, first set the RF to infinity and then focus the lens properly and lock it down. If you plan to shoot portraits at 10 feet, do that distance. It may be close enough at almost all distances, especially once stopped down, but you'll have to test. It'll probably be a little off very close up.

Use some eyeglass screwdrivers to unscrew the infinity stops and then move them to the right place after doing this. You'll have to reset to the Xenar position later if you decide to go back.

I saw recently someone making custom TRF cams on a Facebook group. If it's really that important to you, I would look around and see if someone can do this for you.

23-Nov-2020, 04:47
Go over to graflex.org and look under the help board for posts by user 45PSS. Under the Speed Graphic section he has extensive posts on focus, infinity stops, making your own cams, etc.
His recommendation for setting infinity is to focus on something 5000-feet away.

Tin Can
23-Nov-2020, 05:22
A warning, the infinity stop screws on those cameras have sharp pinpoints that 'indent' the rack, making small adjustments impossible...

A well adjusted Graphic RF is now rare and I find them hard to adjust

Don't fix if it's not broke!

Tin Can
23-Nov-2020, 05:24

I don't know about Top Mounted RF models, they MAY differ