View Full Version : ?? Gummy residue on Bregger film??

12-Nov-2020, 23:30
I just started using a box of 20 x 24 Bregger film

Film Panchro ISO 200

Support: Polyester 175

No. Emulsion 7312

No date on the film but I am guessing it is from the 1980's or 1990's

I put it in a water bath before developing - it turns the normal green

HC 110 for 6 minutes

The 3% stop bath has turned a slight milky white

Ilford Hypam for 5 minutes

The negatives turn out well but there is slighly red / pink gummy residue on the film. It comes off when i lightly scape it with my nail.

When I am loading the film in the holder, it feels smooth. It feels smooth coming out of the initial water bath. But when it comes out the the HC110, I can feel the residue

Has anyone else experienced this? Any suggestions about the gummy residue?


Keith Fleming
13-Nov-2020, 21:20
I can't help with the gummy residue issue, but I do remember that the initial version of Bergger film was actually rebranded Forte film. When Forte shut down its film production, the Bergger brand disappeared for a few years--until the introduction of Bergger Panchro 400.

A web search for Forte film info MAY turn up info of use with the residue.


13-Nov-2020, 21:27
I can't help with the gummy residue issue, but I do remember that the initial version of Bergger film was actually rebranded Forte film. When Forte shut down its film production, the Bergger brand disappeared for a few years--until the introduction of Bergger Panchro 400.

A web search for Forte film info MAY turn up info of use with the residue.


KEITH - thanks for the suggestion
