View Full Version : Tim Hall, videos on darkroom materials.

Bernice Loui
8-Nov-2020, 10:53
Part one:

Part two:


8-Nov-2020, 14:43
Actually Timi, not Tim.

Tim Hall (http://www.timhallphotography.com/-/galleries/photo-workshops) is someone else from UK, not film related, maybe never been in a darkroom.

Even though most of Timi's videos were the 'usual stuff' I watched most of them. It is comforting to see others as dedicated to B&W film as myself.

8-Nov-2020, 14:47
It is also a coincidence you brought up those videos. I was watching just 2 days ago and saw him dusting the cardboard before print flattening. I am actually flattening prints as I type here now and, because I saw him do it, I got a brush and dusted the cardboard as I had never done this before and occasionally got dimples in the prints. So, even a veteran darkroom worker can learn something.

Bill Burk
8-Nov-2020, 16:16
Tim Hall lives in my town and we have been planning to get together for coffee. His dad was a photographer as well so he has a lot of experience and experiences to share.

Renato Tonelli
8-Nov-2020, 16:58
He knows what he's talking about - very informative. I only wish he would break the videos into chapters for future reference.

8-Nov-2020, 17:29
Tim Hall lives in my town and we have been planning to get together for coffee. His dad was a photographer as well so he has a lot of experience and experiences to share.

Tim Hall (http://www.timhallphotography.com/-/galleries/photo-workshops) or Timi Hall (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9LDvShZyuH_m7GYPUr6o6g)?

Bernice Loui
8-Nov-2020, 20:13
Full Name:

Timothy Hall, Tim Hall is what most of his friends address him by. Known Tim for decades, before Tim started Color Three Labs in SF.


Tin Can
16-Nov-2020, 10:16
I have an observation from Tim's first video listed here

If i got his statement right, he doesn't care one whit about base fog

and he seemed to say it doesn't matter as paper has fewer stops


Tim Hall has 14 youtubes right now and maybe more coming

I will have to slowly view as they are high density

16-Nov-2020, 10:31
Definitely high signal to noise ratio, thanks Bernice.

Bill Burk
16-Nov-2020, 18:59
I don't care about fog in black and white negatives.

As soon as I introduce a photographic error, I obliterate the quality that I gained by working to hold fog low.

In the hierarchy of things that ruin a good photograph, I put fog in the bottom 5 %.

Experimenting with 70 year old film that gives me 0.9 base+fog - what ruins the pictures I take on that film is motion blur and focus mistakes.

Because I'm shooting (35mm) at 1/25th and f/1.5 in bright daylight.

I don't like fog in prints at all though. That's the top 5 % of what ruins a good photograph.