View Full Version : Brown glare on negatives

28-Oct-2020, 06:08
Hi guys,

I have been scanning my latest shoot (8 negatives) of 4x5 portra 160/400.
But with each scan I notice this brown glow on top on exactly the same spot.
I did nothing special, or very different except adding the photo flo in the last step.

Any ideas?

https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/50540533412_c6ebaef9bc_b.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/2k16rM7)Schermafbeelding 2020-10-28 om 14.01.02 (https://flic.kr/p/2k16rM7) by Smith De Westelinck (https://www.flickr.com/photos/131227436@N06/), on Flickr

28-Oct-2020, 06:29
I also made this while scanning. And it seems the brown glares also occure outside the negative itself
(scanner = Epson V800)

https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/50539731863_5769af4de2_b.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/2k12kvi)Schermafbeelding 2020-10-28 om 14.24.54 (https://flic.kr/p/2k12kvi) by Smith De Westelinck (https://www.flickr.com/photos/131227436@N06/), on Flickr

Joe O'Hara
28-Oct-2020, 07:26
It's been a while since I've developed color negative film, but I'd guess that this is a processing issue-- uneven development or fixing, cross-contamination, something like that.

What sort of processor are you using? The development time for C-41 is so short that I found that lacking an automated processor I could not control the process enough to get acceptable results.

28-Oct-2020, 07:33
It's been a while since I've developed color negative film, but I'd guess that this is a processing issue-- uneven development or fixing, cross-contamination, something like that.

What sort of processor are you using? The development time for C-41 is so short that I found that lacking an automated processor I could not control the process enough to get acceptable results.

Well, I have been processing images like this, well, I think about 80 in total. And never had this problem. :'(

28-Oct-2020, 07:42
Since it seems to be happening outside of the negative, to me that points to a scanner issue. Do you have reference file or known good scan negative that you can compare?

28-Oct-2020, 07:54
Since it seems to be happening outside of the negative, to me that points to a scanner issue. Do you have reference file or known good scan negative that you can compare?

I just tried that, with a negative from a previous series and I see no problems with it.

28-Oct-2020, 08:02
This has to be a processing artifact: there is a band of lesser density on the upper edge of the negative.

Gary Beasley
28-Oct-2020, 08:04
A picture of the negative would help. It may be an issue with the bleach or the fix getting weak. Extended times resoaking in the bleach and fix might make it go away.

28-Oct-2020, 08:08
I think it's from the scanner. I see that on my v700 and the negatives are perfect otherwise. Since it's opposite color, it's probably blue light in the scanner bouncing around.. The glass platen can be dirty on both sides. Mine certainly needs cleaning. If the film is curled at all and not flat in the negative holder, I've noticed reflections bouncing back and forth between the glass and the film on the edge. See if you can make the top of the scene in the negative tuck into the film holder a little bit more so no light leaks through.

28-Oct-2020, 22:56
Someone said it could be due to the negatives being a little more thick and the scanner needs to push light through.