View Full Version : Help with finding a proper cable release

30-Sep-2020, 13:50
Hey all,

Thank you in advance for your time.

I recently purchased a Wista 4x5 SP. It's an absolute beauty! I'm having an issue with a cable release I'm using - it fits in the lens itself but does not mount due to it not being able to bend when attempting to pop the lens onto the camera. I'll attach some images so it makes more sense.

If possible, I'd appreciate recommendations of a cable release that is small enough for me use while the lens is mounted to the camera. Also, adapters that will properly fit will be great as well!

Best regards,


Tin Can
30-Sep-2020, 13:54
here is one and it may NOT be useful for you

Search BH


Bob Salomon
30-Sep-2020, 14:02
Gepe Pro Wide Angle Cable Release Adapter.

30-Sep-2020, 14:05
You don't say if the lens is mounted with the index pin. If so, you can remove the pin and rotate the shutter 45 degrees and see if that solves the problem.

30-Sep-2020, 14:08
Also, you could swap out the shutter for a newer one with the release socket like this.

Richard Wasserman
30-Sep-2020, 14:08
Try rotating the lens on the board 45º. You'll have more real estate to work with and you may not need any kind of adapter. If you do want an adapter the Gepe Mr Salomon recommended works very well.

30-Sep-2020, 15:52
Thank you all for the help - I'm going to wait for that gepe adapter above.

I went ahead and purchased this - not sure if it will work but crossing fingers! (https://www.ebay.com/itm/5-Cable-Release-19mm-Push-Germany-Locking-Screw-In-USED-W964/352888851078?ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT&_trksid=p2057872.m2749.l2649) seems small enough?

Have a good one, all!

30-Sep-2020, 15:54
I was initially going to get this but, it seems like it may be a bit too long as well.

Nonetheless, thank you for your time, Tin Can!

David Lindquist
30-Sep-2020, 17:49
I think you'll find the suggestion by ic-racer and Richard Wasserman to rotate the lens so that the the cable release socket is pointing more nearly upward is a good solution. A cable release that may fit in to it in this orientation, such as the Gepe, may interfere with the front standard if you were to tilt the lens back. It looks like the shutter is not mounted with a flange but rather a retaining ring in the back so this should be reasonably simple. If it has the index pin that ic-racer mentions, that needs to be removed.

The previous version of the No. 1 Compur had a cable release socket arrangement rather like the one shown on ic-racer's example of a No. 0 Copal and would not have presented this problem. I don't know why these later (last) No. 1 Compurs are like this. Maybe the internal changes made in the re-design leading to a top speed of 1/500 vs 1/400 ( for the earlier No. 1 Compur) necessitated doing it this way.
