View Full Version : instant film for 4x5?

Dann Corbit
11-Sep-2020, 22:58
Is there an instant film for 4x5 that uses the whole frame and is currently in production (so I do not have to buy expired film)?
I do realize that there is a planned Instax Wide film adapter, but that does not use the whole frame and it won't be ready until next year.
I am sorry if this is not the right subforum, but I could not find anything more specific.

11-Sep-2020, 23:50
Nope. The 4x5 version of Fuji packfilm FP100B45, FP100C45) has not been in production for approx. 10 years.

Dann Corbit
12-Sep-2020, 01:16
Nope. The 4x5 version of Fuji packfilm FP100B45, FP100C45) has not been in production for approx. 10 years.

Thanks, too bad though. I bet there would be a market for it.

Fred L
12-Sep-2020, 05:34
there's Famous Format (used to be New55). There's a kind of backorder on their 100 and 400 films. Not cheap however, but it's, afaik, the only 4x5 instant film, still in production. Haven't ordered the latest iteration but I understand the quality has improved a lot from the original film.

Rick L
12-Sep-2020, 05:47
Famous Format had a sale last month - according to my email conversations with Sam Hiser the goal was to increase sales so that they could order material in larger quantities and increase production which might lower prices - just have to wait and see if his plan works

but, if no one buys it, it will go away, so I hope he is successful

roscoetuff-Skip Mersereau
16-Sep-2020, 10:40
Dann: I'm in for the Instax Wide. At $130 and relatively cheap film... it will do the trick for my needs. Good luck!

25-Sep-2020, 20:18
Nope. The 4x5 version of Fuji packfilm FP100B45, FP100C45) has not been in production for approx. 10 years.

Even the original Polaroid 4x5 pack film wasn't a full 4x5 image. The Fuji 100 series was even smaller than that. I'm shooting a pack of 20 year expired 559 now. I'm impressed that it works as well as it does, but it's definitely on it's last legs.

26-Sep-2020, 02:21
I used 54 Polaroid 100 ISO. (B&W). Didn't get the whole image, chemicals where not what and where they used to be. Expired 2006. But fun to use it all though.