View Full Version : IQSmart3 Driver Error

3-Sep-2020, 10:35
Greetings. I know this is a long shot but maybe someone with some experience with this scanner can help.

The scanner software has quit functioning. Whenever I start the Oxygen Scan the BGCAR crashes. When I start the Instal Utilities app it also crashes but with a message "Scanner Driver Error".

I have tried everything from new Oxygen software install to clean wiping my drive and installing the OS10.6.8 fresh. Always the same problem. The computer recognises the scanner. The Oxygen browser finds it and lists its version and serial number. But that's as far as it goes. I have even tried a different Mac with fresh installs and it is exactly the same so the problem must be somewhere in the scanner. At one point for some reason the diagnostics program ran and it came back all clean passed.

Kodak has long stopped the support for this scanner in Germany and I know of no-one who can look at it.

Any bits of information and/or advice would be greatly appreciated. Many thanks

3-Sep-2020, 16:32
Perhaps Karl Hudson can help. http://hudsongrafik.com/


Pali K
3-Sep-2020, 17:47
Karl doesn't know much about these - he is definately the guy for all things Heidelberg though.

Reach out to Michael Streeter (https://www.scansolutionsonline.com/) who is an amazing resource for these machines and he should be able to get you up and running.

Good luck!


3-Sep-2020, 21:22
Open the log file. It should tell you quite a bit of what is going on and where it hangs

4-Sep-2020, 02:15
Thank you for the replies. Sergey, which log file and where to find it if I may ask? I am not well versed in such things unfortunately... thanks again.

4-Sep-2020, 09:30
I wrote Mr Streeter an email and he immediately got back to me. What a gentleman! He was able to fix it over Teamviewer and now its running like a charm. A million thanks to Mr Streeter and many thanks to Pali for the nod and Kumar and Sergey for the suggestions! All the best

Pali K
4-Sep-2020, 19:57
Michael is the best!!! I sleep with ease with my Eversmart Pro and Supreme scanners knowing that he is a resource always willing to help with so much courtesey. So glad to hear you got your machine up and running.


Juergen Cullmann
6-Sep-2020, 01:50
Interesting, what was Michaels solution to this software error?
I am running a ES Supreme.

Jürgen from Germany

6-Sep-2020, 11:46

I did not really discuss the issue with Michael as he took over with Teamviewer and did his magic. I wish I did. He took some files out of Library and then started the Utility Instal but not the Full instal, instead only the "Replace Electronics" function. From that point onwards the installation, parameters and tables where created and the scanner passed all tests.

I can only repeat Pali's opinion of Michael. Extremely courteous and trustworthy. Knowing he is there, even at this distance, is a major relief.

Jim Andrada
12-Sep-2020, 02:35
+1 for Michael - I got my IQsmart 2 from him and he's been a great help.