View Full Version : Zeiss Ideal 250/7 lens mount

8-Aug-2020, 08:41
I have a Zeiss Ideal 9X12 camera without a lens. It looks to have a Zeiss bayonet mount with the silver lever below the lens. I have several Tessar lenses, but all have the standard retaining ring to mount the lens. Do I need a special adapter to use the bayonet mount? I can't seem to find an answer anywhere I have looked. Thanks.



Ron (Netherlands)
10-Aug-2020, 04:36
Hi, Yes Zeiss made a simple kind of bayonet - much alike the one made by one of its precursors ICA.
The lenses have at the back 2 little braces and 1 pin which catches the bayonet spring. If you buy Zeiss lenses with the compur or compound shutter, always ask the seller for a picture of the back of the lens, so you can verify whether it has those little braces and pin.
The ICA bayonet has 2 fastening points, Zeiss made this to 3.




One of my lenses didn't have those braces and pin, but came with a separate ring which these fasteners and the ring can be screwed at the back of the lens.

Many times you'll find that the braces and pin are removed from the back, and there are only the tiny screw holes left. See here: https://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/4u4AAOSwnJJfLUq-/s-l1600.jpg and here: https://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/NUAAAOSwRNFfBZQA/s-l1600.jpg
Will be hard to find a shutter which is still complete.

Btw Voigtländer had its own bayonet system, and doesn't match the Zeiss/Ica camera's:
Voigtländer bayonet: https://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/ZYMAAOSwootct3IP/s-l1600.jpg

Ica 2 braces system (without the pin): https://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/j74AAOSwOrNfGfVH/s-l1600.jpg

If you can't find any shutters with these braces, I could send you the specifications of the ring I have - then you can make such a ring or have it made .....

10-Aug-2020, 09:54
Thank you Ron for the excellent description, photos and links.

I believe ICA and Zeiss must have made hundreds if not more of these cameras. I am really surprised that the lens adapters seem so rare. I have looked at photos of quite a few appropriate lenses for sale on EBay and have yet to see one with the bayonet adapter.

Fortunately I have been in contact with an excellent source for one and hopefully my problem will be solved.

Thanks again for taking the time to make such a thorough response.


PS: I believe your photo is a Zeiss Tropica. What a BEAUTIFUL CAMERA.

Ron (Netherlands)
10-Aug-2020, 11:49
You're very welcome Craig, its why we are here...if possible to help fellowmembers.

Btw the shown camera is the Zeiss Favorit Tropen; the Zeiss Tropica is little more advanced :-)
For comparison just made this picture of my 9x12 Tropica (picture of the 10 x 15 is on my flickr site):


The Favorit Tropen was - as far as I know - only made in 9 x 12, the Tropica in 9 x 12, 10 x 15 and 13 x 18.
Until recently my Tropica's are my most used plate camera's.

But the Zeiss and Ica Ideal is also a great camera and more pocketable than the Favorit & Tropica.