View Full Version : Cambo sc and Schneider 90mm f/8 Super Angulon Multicoated focus problems

26-Jun-2020, 10:13

just recently buy the cambo sc and the Schneider super angulon 90 mm and I have recently also bought a wide angle bellows because with the normal bellows I couldn't focus.

The problem is that I have been testing the lens with the wide-angle bellows (https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Cambo-Weitwinkelbalgen-9x12-4x5-Wide-Angle-Bellows-Grosbildbalgen/312897764147?_trksid=p2485497.m4902.l9144 )

But still, I can't focus at any point. I have read in some forums that wide angle bellows should fix problems but I assume that I also need to get a recessed board? It is normal to need it both with this lens and camera?

Many thanks for your help!


Daniel Unkefer
26-Jun-2020, 10:47
Can you move the front and back standards together, so that the tripod block is not in the middle (but behind the two standards). Closer together means you can focus wider lenses. Otherwise if not possible then use a recessed board, which depending on your camera might allow you more camera standard adjustment mobility.

Dan Fromm
26-Jun-2020, 10:47
This is a well-known problem. The well-known solution is to position the tripod mounting block in front of the front standard or behind the rear standard. When the tripod mounting block is positioned between the standards, as is usually done to balance the camera better, it prevents the standards from as close together as short lenses need.

26-Jun-2020, 11:13
It also helps to use a recessed board.

Dan Fromm
26-Jun-2020, 12:22
It also helps to use a recessed board.

The OP should set the camera up properly before shelling out for a board that's not needed.

26-Jun-2020, 12:40
Does that model have reversible standards?

Dan Fromm
26-Jun-2020, 13:01
Yes, but they come closer than needed when set up normally with the tripod mounting block positioned in front of the front standard or behind the rear standard.

26-Jun-2020, 13:15
The OP should set the camera up properly before shelling out for a board that's not needed.

Yes, setting up camera correctly is the first task. No other option was stated or implied. ;)

I’m well aware of your opinion on recessed board of Cambo, Dan. Maybe not “necessary” but it sure does give a bit more flexibility on the bellows. I think we both speak from experience so...

Dan Fromm
26-Jun-2020, 13:43
I’m well aware of your opinion on recessed board of Cambo, Dan. Maybe not “necessary” but it sure does give a bit more flexibility on the bellows. I think we both speak from experience so...

Agree pretty much. After the OP sets the camera up properly and finds that the bellows contrains movements intolerably, then it will be time to shop for a bag bellows. But first things first, and that includes learning what the equipment at hand can do.

So you'll know, I have some Cambo recessed boards. A deep one (25 mm, I think) for 2x3 that I find unusable because of the difficulty of reaching the shutter's controls. two shallower ones for 2x3 and a 4x5er that I should sell. One of the shallow ones has an adapter for 2x3 Pacemaker Graphic boards so I can use my 60/14 Perigraphe front-mounted on an Ilex #3 for 6x12. I also have a flat 2x3 board with a 2x3 Pacemaker board adapter. Even with a bag bellows -- remember, I made one -- and the camera set up properly the Ilex gives too much extension. Works fine on a 2x3 Crown Graphic but it can't do 6x12.



26-Jun-2020, 14:11
Thanks Dan... very interesting additional info!

27-Jun-2020, 04:27
Hi guys,

many thanks for your help. Yes, Dan, I have tested mounting the camera in the way you suggest and now I can focus so seems that I have fixed the problem I would like to tested on the field with architecture photography to see how much movement I can get and hopefully I can avoid using a recessed board.

27-Jun-2020, 06:58
... another potentially useful thing to buy... a short 10-inch rail.

I wish you luck, but without a bag bellows and recessed board you may find too little movement for architecture. Some architecture requires almost no movement; that will be easily done. Some requires much more movements. The bag bellows alone may get you enough for your needs. If not, a bit more can be gained from the recessed board. There’s a reason why these parts were designed and sold. ;)

Daniel Unkefer
27-Jun-2020, 07:04
I cut a bamboo chopstick on a diagonal with my mini bandsaw and it makes a great tool to reach into the recessed board to change the settings.