View Full Version : Storing Ansco 130

Kevin Crisp
15-Jun-2020, 17:10
I've got all the chemicals to mix this up. Apparently the glycin has a limited shelf life. Mix stock and store it in bottles? How long does it keep? I've seen some statements on line suggesting people often store it diluted 1:1 as for a working solution. Thanks.

Drew Wiley
15-Jun-2020, 18:50
It's a fairly stable developer per se when in full glass bottles, undiluted. But as glycin oxidizes it eventually undergoes a color shift and increases its staining properties. This happens even in dry powder state. I keep unopened bottles of new glycin powder in the freezer, which seems to arrest this. The powder is a nearly-white pale tan color when fresh, and as it oxidizes, goes to a deep tan, then to a mocha brown, and finally to brown-black. It's still usable, but might stain the paper itself to an objectionable degree. Otherwise, up until the mocha phase, you can fine tune highlight staining somewhat by how the glycin has aged. For colder tones, it should be relatively fresh. I open only 100g at a time, and try to use that amount of powder up within six months or so. I really wouldn't pre-mix a large quantity, or pre-dilute it. What would that accomplish that you can't do immediately before the work session? Having a full mixed bottle (undiluted) around a few weeks shouldn't be a significant issue. Other people might have a somewhat different opinion, but you do have to keep in mind that the condition of glycin powder to begin with varies unless one times their purchase carefully. Apparently Photog Formula turns over their inventory often enough that their supply is kept fresh. Incidentally, I use it 1:3. Most papers develop rather fast at this dilution.

15-Jun-2020, 21:02
I'll store a working solution of this developer in brown glass bottles for a few days, if I'm planning additional printing sessions. Then, it gets tossed. Never tried to store a mixed stock solution or working solution for any real length of time. Glycin powder is kept in the freezer and I've never had it go bad on me.

16-Jun-2020, 04:11
I have been lazy with mine. Stock mix has been stored in an arizona green tea 1 gallon plastic container for just over a year in my garage, currently about 1/3rd full. It darkened a little but is still working. But I would recommend a brown glass bottle(s) if you can find them. Note: working solutions usually go bad after being stored for a couple of months, but I have had some last 6 months in full bottles. I have found I can dilute it 1:3 and not lose that richness it brings when fresh, but tone does shift warmer with age beyond 6 months.

Kevin Crisp
16-Jun-2020, 07:19
Thanks for your answers.

16-Jun-2020, 07:54
I keep my fresh glycin powder frozen for years without any problem. I take out some when I need it and back to freezer.

22-Jun-2020, 08:45

Mixed Stock Ansco 130 will stay useable for over a year. Open tray about 30 days. I've developed film and prints in Ansco130 that was well over a year old and the film and prints looked fine.

Drew Wiley
22-Jun-2020, 10:52
I would strongly disagree with John's comments above. Will work? Possibly, so-so, at best; but how consistently? I can't conceive of an open tray more than a single day's session. The performance exhausts and drifts. Why on earth would anyone do that? Yeah, you might be able to swallow milk that's been left out a few days, but it sure won't smell nice.

22-Jun-2020, 17:01
I would strongly disagree with John's comments above. Will work? Possibly, so-so, at best; but how consistently? I can't conceive of an open tray more than a single day's session. The performance exhausts and drifts. Why on earth would anyone do that? Yeah, you might be able to swallow milk that's been left out a few days, but it sure won't smell nice.

Drew: Many people have published their experienced with Ansco 130. Not so-so but works about as good as fresh. Perhaps rather than suggesting without experience something doesn't work you should use Ansco 130 and see how it works yourself ?


ps. YMMV means what works for me might not work for you ..

Drew Wiley
22-Jun-2020, 17:08
I've been using 130 with numerous papers for decades, though not exclusively. Used it today. "About" as good as fresh might be able to give you the density you want with some tweaking, but can unquestionably affect the intended nuances of toning and other subtle characteristics that I personally find important and have put a lot of work into to fine-tune. 130 rewards nuanced control. Otherwise, we'd all be going back to Dektol. If I've going to spend money on ingredients like glycin, I want to get the most out of it.

22-Jun-2020, 17:09
I keep the stock solution in brown glass bottles, Filled to the top, and keep out of light. It will last a long time. My last batch i mixed up lasted 6 years, with no ill side affects. But make sure you keep out of light. It will start to crystalize if you dont.

I use 130 for all of my developing needs. 1-1 for paper and 1-10 for film.

22-Jun-2020, 17:57
Ansco 130 seems to store just fine. I have one year old stock solutions that I can pull from when needed and they seem to work well. I usually mix 1:1 with water for a working solution and I usually discard that working solution after about a month.

The only time this regimen doesn't seem to hold up for me is with Harman Direct Positive paper. In that case I usually use the freshest working solution I can and then I don't try to develop more that 5 sheets of the Harman DP paper. Otherwise the blacks go brown on me and I loose the contrast. If there is a way around this I would love to know because it is a bit of a pain.

With normal enlargements on Ilford paper or Arista EDU papers (about all I normally use) I generally just keep using the working solution until 30 days or so have gone by. I don't leave it in a tray though. I usually pour it back in the bottle for re-use.

Drew Wiley
22-Jun-2020, 18:38
In full sealed amber glass bottles, the concentrate does keep reasonably well for at least a few months, but once it's diluted for use and in the tray, that certainly doesn't hold true any longer. I dilute it 1:3 for use. It takes only a few minutes to mix the six ingredients. I don't understand why someone would want to hoard it in solution. And I still can't imagine keeping any used developer on hand for days on end. That might have been the custom in high school and in rental labs; but it's no way to get optimal results. Premium papers are expensive enough; why compromise results? ... But Elko? (diverting the subject) ... I'd sure like to get up Seitz Canyon - I've seen those stunning pinnacles from the backside; but the canyon entrance appears to be blocked by private property.

Kevin Crisp
23-Jun-2020, 09:20
Guys -- I appreciate your comments. I'd not leave it in an open tray anyway, but would bottle it up. I can't remember a time I had two consecutive days to print so this is pretty theoretical for me. Yes, Glycin is pricey. I found working with the fly-away Metol more difficult on my scale.