View Full Version : Portra 160 x 400 (4X5) mixed up (ay caramba)

5-Jun-2020, 00:41
Have any of you had this problem:

I have some loaded disks, some with 160, and some with 400 portra.
But I lost my paper which states what disks are loaded with 160 and which with 400.

I am a portrait photographer, but how can handle this the best way, to have the best results even?

I was thinking to meter each shot somewhere between 160 and 400 ISO, so then is I would have 160 a bit overexposed, and 400 a bit underexposed.

Or is there another way that I am not seeing?

5-Jun-2020, 04:22
I have never shot portra in 4x5 but I have shot a lot of it in medium format. Portra 400 can easily handle being shot at 160. Portra 400 is some amazing film.

5-Jun-2020, 05:51
You can tell them apart by their notch codes. Just open the film holders in the dark and feel for the notches. The datasheets of both films include a little picture of the notches. No need to guess or compromise.

5-Jun-2020, 06:49
Just shoot them all at 160. They'll be totally fine!

5-Jun-2020, 07:11
I was thinking to meter each shot somewhere between 160 and 400 ISO, so then is I would have 160 a bit overexposed, and 400 a bit underexposed.

First, review exposure and ISO.

Second, look at the notch codes on the box and in the dark match them up to the film. Done.

5-Jun-2020, 23:23
I knew that those notches were there to tell differences, but did not know it was also different per ISO. Cool