View Full Version : Many paper developers back-ordered or special order with long delivery lead

1-Jun-2020, 09:54
I have had some Dektol back-ordered for about a month, and, nearing the end of my short-term substitute supply, I hastened to the B&H site today to see what might be available. There are some, but the list majority of not-in-stock ones surprised me. A word to the wise, if your stock is low.

I ordered something called Eco Pro, which purports to be especially good with warm-tone papers (what I use). Anyone with experience?

Eric Woodbury
1-Jun-2020, 11:00
I haven't used their paper developer nor do I use warm papers much, so take this with a grain of salt. I do use their ascorbic acid film developer (similar to XTOL) and it is fine. For paper, I'm mixing DS-14, an ascorbic acid / dimezone developer. It is very good and without hydroquinone and metol. I believe Eco Pro markets a version of DS-14, too.

Bernice Loui
1-Jun-2020, 11:11
Consider mixing developer and related B&W chemistry from basic powdered chemicals.

Powdered chemistry last longer than mixed, not difficult to do and lower cost over time and quantity used.

This is not difficult to do:

~Magnetic mixer with teflon stirring bar.
~Mixing container (vintage Kodak glass one liter measuring beakers work good).
~Basic powdered chemistry stock.
~Filtered water.
~Accurate gram scale.
~Spoon or spatula to measure out the powdered chemistry on filter paper or similar paper.


4-Jun-2020, 04:53
sounds like a good time to try something else. Photographers formulary has variations of Dektol such as TD-30 and a similar look with Liquidol. PF130 is a few bucks more and delivers a bit more punch. Ethol LPD is also nice and can be purchased in liquid or powder form and when diluted 1:3 or more gives a warm grey tone vs deep black. Ilford Multigrade is every bit as boring as dektol.

Anselmo DiMedici
4-Jun-2020, 05:36
All Bergger developers are in stock and ship next day:
This includes



4-Jun-2020, 08:25
ADM, I don't mind considering these in the future, but it's not very helpful to have no technical information on the products, even dilution. If I spend $20 on 1 liter of developer, I would like to know what the working solution will be -- 1:4? 1:9? 1:14?

Drew Wiley
4-Jun-2020, 09:28
A specialty supplier like Photographers Formulary will have their own selection of of both powder and pre-mixed liquid developer concentrates, with full instructions, which you can read in advance if you wish, and they ship quick. They also carry bulk chemicals if you prefer to mix your own.

4-Jun-2020, 10:09
Try Glass Key in SF, they're stocked and fast.

Doremus Scudder
4-Jun-2020, 10:29

Mixing you own print developers is not nearly as demanding as many make it seem. The initial expense for the raw chemicals is the up-front investment, but after that, you can mix what and when you like in the quantities that you need.

I mix D-72, ID-62, Ansco 120 and a few others from spoon recipes. Yes I have digital scales and a triple-beam balance scale, but I don't need them just to mix those. For D-72 you'd need Metol, hydroquinone, sodium sulfite, sodium carbonate and potassium bromide. For ID-62 you need benzotriazole and phenidone in addition to those.

FWIW, I've been really liking ID-62 lately and get three sessions from one batch of working solution.

If you ever get around to diving in to mixing your own, I'll gladly share my spoon recipes.



Drew Wiley
4-Jun-2020, 11:43
I buy bulk chem and use a scale. But Formulary powder kits have the exact quantities already measured out and packaged; so all you need to do it mix them in the order given by the included instructions. Easy, and with considerably more options than plain ole Dektol.

4-Jun-2020, 12:37
I got Dektol from Midwestern Photo Exchange in OH. Their website claims it is still in stock:

4-Jun-2020, 16:31
All Bergger developers are in stock and ship next day:
This includes



There doesn't seem to be tech PDFs for these. I want to order some Neutral Print but I'm curious about the shelf life of the stock solution after opening...

10-Jun-2020, 20:28
I have noticed that Kodak Professional Fixer has been back-ordered everywhere for the past month or so.