View Full Version : SP445 film holder marks on negatives ( how to do this intentionally )

28-May-2020, 17:25
Looking to intentionally leave an imprint of the holder bars on the film.

Would it be as simple as turning the emulsion face inward on the holder while developing ?
Would rubber bands work to keep the film pressed to the holder ?

Can’t think of any other way to do it. Thought I’d chime in before I try this out as maybe someone
Would have a better solution.


28-May-2020, 20:47
I don't think turning the emulsion inward would be a good idea because solutions probably wouldn't be able to get to all that surface evenly. I have 3 versions of the holders and, honestly, I've had the best luck (no marks) from the v1 style. It could be that because the v1 holders are solid the film "sticks" to the back, thereby keeping the emulsion side away from the tabs.

29-May-2020, 00:32
Looking to intentionally leave an imprint of the holder bars on the film.

I'm not sure what you mean, are you referring to the 7 small film retaining tabs on the front of the holder or the longitudianal bars of the body of the holder?

29-May-2020, 16:04
Yeah Im looking to leave the bar imprint effect intentionally. I’m referring to the SP445 holder lengthwise strips. I have the version of the holder that has 3 strips that run the length of the film. Actually it’s 5 strips if you count the strips on the edges
that include the tabs that fasten the film onto the holder.

29-May-2020, 16:53
Here's the result of putting the emulsion side toward the holder accidentally:


I guess I got turned around in the dark bag, only the 3rd and 4th 4x5s I ever took I think! :)

29-May-2020, 16:56
Thanks so much for this. I’m about to develope and I think it will work.

30-May-2020, 00:49
Good luck with your attempt 1erCru. I have been using the SP-445 tank since it the V2 holders came out and after hundreds of films I've never had one that had the 'shadows' of the bars that, unlike you, a number of people have complained about and I'm sure that putting the film in the holder the wrong way round will give you what you want. I'm intrigued, care to share why you want to do this?

30-May-2020, 07:45
Now I'm curious how this might work with my new v4 holders, since it has grooves in the holder to facilitate flow? I'll have to test it and see...

30-May-2020, 14:52
I’m going to turn the negative around the wrong way and develop. Also fasten rubber bands around the negative. Other than that I have no idea. Its for a still life abstraction I have set up where the effect would work for the image.

6-Jun-2020, 05:20
soak your sp445 film holder in photoflo for 5 mins and just give them a rinse and dry. The photoflo leaves a residue under the tabs that resists the developer thus leaving the imprint of the tabs. This can be undone with a good cleaning in hot water. Its the reason I stopped using photoflo in my tank.

Peter Mounier
6-Jun-2020, 11:02
How about you put the film in the holder with the emulsion facing the holder, then very briefly flash the arrangement to leave a barely visible exposure of the holder on the film. It would probably be most effective if you flash the set-up with light ;-)
Then turn the film around before you develop it so it will get proper development.

6-Jun-2020, 22:52
Thanks for this tip. Would never have thought.