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View Full Version : Seeking Ideas For Replacing Film Holder Labels?

24-May-2020, 18:44
I picked up some used Fidelity film holders and they are in great shape and I have verified they function perfectly.

But, the labels on the holders are a mess....

Any ideas on best way to replace the labels on the holders? I am unsure about the best type of label to use, glue, etc.

Thanks in advance for your ideas and thoughts.


Gary Beasley
24-May-2020, 19:11
Whiteout is quick and easy if the stuff is still available.

24-May-2020, 20:15
Artist tape

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John Kasaian
24-May-2020, 20:18
Have you tried cleaning up the labels with an ink eraser?

FWIW, I number my holders and use a notebook to record the info.
Those narrow white labels don't allow that much info anyway.

25-May-2020, 08:15
That is a great idea Gary. I don't have any whiteout but I am going to check the store next time I go. Thank you.

Whiteout is quick and easy if the stuff is still available.

25-May-2020, 08:16
I had not thought about that one... Good idea!

Artist tape

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25-May-2020, 08:18
Hi John, the labels on the holders look like they have been written on many times with permanent markers, etc. My goal is to either clean them or replace the labels so that I can number them and do just as you say which is record the info in my separate notebook. There have been several good ideas here so far and I am going to try all of them and find the one that works the best.

Thanks again.

Have you tried cleaning up the labels with an ink eraser?

FWIW, I number my holders and use a notebook to record the info.
Those narrow white labels don't allow that much info anyway.

25-May-2020, 09:05
It has been over ten years since I got my stash of 4x5 holders. I believe I used Acetone to clean the label area. Be careful Acetone will melt the black plastic. I actually used the Acetone to smooth some of the old beat-up film holders so they slide in and out easier. If you wipe it carefully it will smooth out the plastic. Of course it will destroy the film holder also, if not careful.

25-May-2020, 09:11
PEC film cleaner might also work, but maybe not if the writing is very old.

Doremus Scudder
25-May-2020, 11:22
Fingernail polish remover (acetone) and a cotton swab works for me most of the time. If the marks are pencil, try a white eraser first.

If the ink is so stubborn that the acetone won't do the job, get yourself some white, self-adhesive labels and cut them to size and apply them over the markings.



Steve Goldstein
25-May-2020, 11:39
Isopropanol (a.k.a. isopropyl alcohol) dissolves some inks including Sharpie and won't hurt the plastic. I'd try it before resorting to acetone or nail polish remover.

25-May-2020, 12:26
Labelling machines use a almost perfect adhesive tape replacement/ covering: just needs to be cut to size.

Eric Woodbury
25-May-2020, 12:47
I just tested ethanol, isopropyl alcohol, goo gone, de solv it, orange cleaner, windex, and acetone. Acetone works to remove Sharpie from those white strips. Alcohol only removed a little with scrubbing.

Eric Woodbury
25-May-2020, 13:05
I just tested ethanol, isopropyl alcohol, goo gone, de solv it, orange cleaner, windex, and acetone. Acetone works to remove Sharpie from those white strips. Alcohol only removed a little with scrubbing.

Drew Wiley
25-May-2020, 15:23
I just snip off little sections of colored electrical tape to indicate different film types, then use a Sharpie pen if anything more specific needs to be added to the label.

25-May-2020, 15:52
Brother P-touch label maker. Two lines of text printed on 12mm (0.47") and cut to fit. Easy to read and looks professionally done. Personally prefer black text on yellow background tape.

25-May-2020, 16:24
Another excellent idea. I have some PEC cleaner on hand, so I will try that too!

PEC film cleaner might also work, but maybe not if the writing is very old.

25-May-2020, 16:25
Thanks Drew!

I just snip off little sections of colored electrical tape to indicate different film types, then use a Sharpie pen if anything more specific needs to be added to the label.

25-May-2020, 16:26
That is a good idea Greg.

Thank you.

Brother P-touch label maker. Two lines of text printed on 12mm (0.47") and cut to fit. Easy to read and looks professionally done. Personally prefer black text on yellow background tape.

25-May-2020, 19:45
Hi, thank you. I have come to this conclusion as well.

Labelling machines use a almost perfect adhesive tape replacement/ covering: just needs to be cut to size.

25-May-2020, 19:47
Thanks for doing this Eric. I have not made it back to my camera yet, but I will try this when I get home.

I just tested ethanol, isopropyl alcohol, goo gone, de solv it, orange cleaner, windex, and acetone. Acetone works to remove Sharpie from those white strips. Alcohol only removed a little with scrubbing.