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View Full Version : Good source of information for photgraphing moving objects?

Bill Glickman
17-Feb-2000, 23:28
Can anyone direct me to a good source of information on photographing moving obj ects such as water falls...I remember seeing some type of formulas that show at x distance, at y speed of object, using f focal lenght, etc. I was interested i n knowing, without shooting polaroids, at what speed a water fall will show "sto p action", at what speeds it will show a creamy look, etc. I purchased a book c alled "How to photograhp water", by Heather Angel, makes sense, right? The book did not even mention this subject! Thats photography for ya! God bless the in ternet and these forums. Any input would much appreciated. Thanx

Ellis Vener
18-Feb-2000, 10:39
Short shutter speeds arrest action. Longer shutter speeds show more of the shape of the action. Try a 1 second or longer shutter speed for the "milky" look. 1/2 to 1/125 for the " triple cream" lok. 1/125 and shorter for the "Dairy Queen" lo ok.

Shoot Polaroids to avoid the "cheesy 'How-did-I-screw-up-this-once-in- a-life-time-opportunity-up?'" look.

Doug Paramore
18-Feb-2000, 11:37
Bill: I shoot a lot of small waterfalls and moving water and have found that 1/10 or 1/15th gives the most realistic look. I also love the look longer shutter speeds give on some of the small falls or rapids, as Ellis said, shoot at 1 sec. or so for this effect. For some beautiful shots of rapids and small waterfalls, shoot at twilight and give two minutes or so with the lens stopped down. The long exposure blends the water motion with the light and turns everything to a silver stream. Bracket exposure because the effect is hard to meter. Good shooting. Doug