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View Full Version : Readyload and Quickload

Ron Marshall
16-Dec-2005, 12:13
I have read many posts concerning the compatibility of quickloads, readyloads and the Fuji and Kodak holders. Some of the posts are contradictory, but they may be out of date.

Is it possible to reliably use Fuji Quickloads in the new Kodak single Readyload holder?

Eric Leppanen
16-Dec-2005, 12:18
Yes, Quickloads work fine in the "new" single-sheet Readyload holder. Just be careful not to yank the film sleeves out of the holder too quickly and you'll be fine. See also:


Steve Hamley
16-Dec-2005, 12:29
Yes. I do so on a regular basis.


Mike Lopez
16-Dec-2005, 12:41
I have a related question. Every so often, when using Readyloads in my Readyload holder, I have the edges of a sheet of film ruined, apparently by fogging. No idea how this is happening. I would say it happens about once per box of Readyloads. Has anyone had anything like this happen when using Quickloads in a Readyload holder? I'm thinking of switching my films and abandoning Kodak entirely.

steve simmons
16-Dec-2005, 15:46
I use a new Polaroid hoder for all of the pre-loaded films. It seems to be the universal holder.

steve simmons

Steve Hamley
16-Dec-2005, 16:29

I have a good idea. The screws holding it together are loosening - I had the same thing happen. Try getting a jeweler's screwdriver and tightening the screws (gently). Probably a little nail polish to lock them wouldn't be a bad idea.


Mike Lopez
17-Dec-2005, 11:07

Thanks for your idea. I'll give it a shot.


Christopher Perez
17-Dec-2005, 16:44
BTW, was I dreaming or did I see 400 speed Fuji Acros Quickloads at the local photoshop? I went back a couple weeks later and they didn't have any B&W Fuji Quickloads. So I'm left wondering? Did I see what I thought I saw?