View Full Version : Salted Paper Prints - Technical Question

23-Feb-2020, 13:43
A question for those of you making salted paper prints: In that first step when the salt is applied and dried, is it practical to coat several sheets for a few printing sessions and hold them for future use, ready to accept the silver nitrate layer?

I plan to try the process soon here, but that's about the only question I can't find an answer to.

peter schrager
23-Feb-2020, 18:33
Not a problem..you may to size first

23-Feb-2020, 18:49
Great. Thanks for the feedback Peter. That seems to make for a pretty nice workflow then.

I have been using gelatin size w/ Glyoxal hardener for gum prints. It sounds like you recommend I try that before salting the paper. I'll do some experiments and see what gives the nicest print.

Thank you! -R

24-Feb-2020, 00:19
I get the best results if I go inmediately from the salt application to the silver coating, drying the paper in between and afterwards with a hairdryer. I do not size the paper, which could make a difference as it would make the fibers less permeable.

bob carnie
24-Feb-2020, 06:42
These prints are something I think worthy of giving a try to see if it works in my life.