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View Full Version : Value of 8x10 Linhof Kardan Color Triplex

J. P. Mose
28-Nov-2005, 14:57
I bid on a 8x10 Linhof Kardan over the past week. I got carried away and bid high but still lost. I suspect that the high bidder will not pay up to the reserve (or would have even paid if the reserve was met). Will some of you Linhof experts look at the following Ebay posting and tell me what you think this setup is worth?:


I have seen (and sold once) 8x10 Color Kardans sell for less than $1000 in nice shape. The Triplex version is harder to find.

Thanks for your time.

Steve Hamley
28-Nov-2005, 15:47

I'm no Linhof expert but I did research the cost of one of these a few months ago for use with really large portrait lenses because of the strength an the size of the lensboard.

I'm guessing that it's worth about the maximum bid, maybe $500 more if you really want one. The 4 extra rails (although I don't think the black ones are gen-u-wine Linhof), "intermediate" standard and extra bellows, head, and 6 lensboards which are virtually unobtainable might triple the kilobuck or maybe a bit more you'd get for a "basic" setup.

However, very few view cameras will bring more than $3K on eBay, no matter what they are. Anything that brings over $3K better be a desirable, modern camera in near-mint shape that you don't have to work hard to find accessories. The only "common" cameras that pop to mind would be a Sinar P2 in a 'rail, or some of the high-end, 8x10-and-up field cameras like Ebony, Phillips, and the like.

Glenn Evans has one for $2K if you want one, but doesn't have all the accessories.


Quality Camera had something similar for about $1,100 I think, but I don't remeber if it was a Triplex - it was a consignment IIRC. You might give them a call.

The shipping also kills you if for some reason you'd need or want to return it.


Richard Boulware
28-Nov-2005, 15:57
J.P. Nice to see you post again, but I'm sorry you missed out on the Linhof Kardan. I had a "triplex" in my large Denver studio until 1982. It is a magnificent camera. I got a new bellows for mine which was 'diamond' shapped to compensate for bellows sag with long extentions.
I think that magnificent cameras like this one, fail to bring top dollar because most of the shooters on this and other forums are young. Most have never seen, let alone shot the Rolls-Royce of 8x10 cameras. Yes the Kardan is big. Yes it is heavy. Yes it is as solid as a piece of Colorado marble. I even used mine on location, out of doors, when I photographed the large catalog of patio furniture for Samsonite Corporation.

It is hard to say what one of these is worth, because of the bias of the seller and the lack of knowledge of many in the market.

I followed the eBay auction and this camera, and my feeling is that the camera went a little "Pricey", but that's just an opinion. True, there have been cheaper units sold on eBay, but we also have to consider that this camera had all the accessories with it. This camera when new, would list out at nearly $5000 I would bet, but that is just a guess.

Seems like only yesterday that I had that Kardan monster set up and we were shooting the annual report for Colorado National Bank, in Denver. (We got a gold medal from the Denver Advertising Federation for the work.) When my art director got the 8X10 chromes on his light table, I thought he was going to 'soil his britches'!

Let's be thankfull that the younger crowd has never seen or used that camera. If they had, it might have sold for a lot more.

Be well. RB

David A. Goldfarb
28-Nov-2005, 17:37
Nice set up, but I think I'd rather have that 8x10" TL with 8x10, 5x7, and 4x5 backs that I saw not too long ago for $1600. I sent you an e-mail with the info about it.

Frank Petronio
28-Nov-2005, 18:49
Yes, regarding the TL - that camera shop in Hawaii is desparate and doesn't know what it is - low ball them!

tor kviljo
29-Nov-2005, 01:39
I found one of the 5"x7" versions of these inexpensively (less than $$ 400 with short & long bellows, original compendium, twin rails etc. etc. ) in Norway some time ago, and got good help from Mr Salomon about the history of this one. I have seen similar cameras sell on German ebay for less than that. The few I have seen for sale in scandinavia have gone cheap. Buying & handeling the camera, I understand why: while it is very nicely made, near perfect fitting & very good lockings of swing, tilt etc (heavy steel locking mechanism & zero-position locks + geared rise front & rear), it is ENORMOUSLY heavy (heavy gauge steel monorail of generous diametre) , have only central tilt, and no way of fast focus: geared monorail the hole length on both standards, it's no modern, nor a fast user camera. Being used to Sinar P (7 kilo in 4x5), the Color Kardan were the first camera I simply found to heavy to handle! Except if I were absolutely shure the camera should not be transported around, but just sit in the studion on sturdy tripod - permanently - I would not have bought it again, never touched the even heavier 8"x10" version. I guess the extreme weight is too much to pay for that possible added stability. Kardan Standard 8"x10" goes for sub $$ 400 (there is one on ebay just now, needing bellow but othervice intact, currently at $$ 176 and less than one day to go ) A short while ago, Robert White sold out a brand new Toyo G 8"x10" rear standard for about US $$ 110. This is the main part for converting nearly any ($$ 300) Toyo monorail to a modern 8"x10" with geared movement & half the weight of the Color Kardan - portable away from the car, so it's better 8"x10" deals to find out there.

Michael Kadillak
10-Dec-2005, 15:15
To close this post, it is worth whatever you feel it is worth taking into consideration its rarity and usefullness.

With the assisstance of Richard Boulware, I will be able to tell you after I have had it in service for a while if it is as functional as I have been told.


J. P. Mose
12-Dec-2005, 17:31
Well good Michael...I'm glad someone with a familar name got the camera. I was just getting over the big outlay for a 5x7 Super Technika V kit with three lenses and a lot of Linhof accessories. Otherwise....you may not have had your chance! No...in all seriousness....that is a classic setup and I am happy for you to get it! It's a great holiday present! Enjoy! JP

Michael Kadillak
12-Dec-2005, 22:02
I can attribute Mr. Boulware for sharing his prior experience with this camera for encouraging me to close the deal. It is in transit as we speak. If you ever get to Denver let us know. It would be a kick in the pants to pour some cocktails and make some images (or do I have the priorities reversed). In any event, you get the drift.


J. P. Mose
13-Dec-2005, 06:27
"It would be a kick in the pants to pour some cocktails and make some images (or do I have the priorities reversed)."

Michael....it sounds like we both have our priorities in the same order!

By the way, I wrote Bob Salomon at HP Marketing, requesting a date for the Kardan Triplex you are getting (when I was seriously thinking of getting it). The reply was 1960.

Michael Kadillak
17-Dec-2005, 20:13
Thanks for the information J.P.

Merry Christmas and I hope that you have a very Happy Holiday Season my friend!